The Case of the Onslaught in the Orphanage
Download MP3Welcome adventurers to Probability of Demise, the podcast where critical fumbles meet critical facepalms. Join us as we delve into the darkest dungeons, slay the stupidest gremlins, and roll enough ones to make a beholder weep. Forget epic storylines and heroic deeds, here we celebrate the chaotic beauty of bad roles, questionable decisions, and characters with more charisma than sense.
We'll be your dungeon masters of disappointment, guiding you through campaigns where the only guaranteed treasure is a mountain of laughter, and maybe some psychic scarring. So grab your nat 1 dice, strap on your anxiety helmets, and prepare to witness the glorious trainwreck that is our D and D journey.
Because, in the end Even if your character dies face first into a pile of pudding, at least you'll have the Dice God's permission to laugh your ass off.
Hello, dear followers. And welcome to this quiet moment of peace and relaxation as we enter upon the death of the party. Welcome to this episode. Hopefully things will go really well. I hope you like, subscribe, and leave a comment. If you do all three, I swear I will only kill half of them. Which is hard, because there's three of them.
Yeah, and in D and D, when you're splitting something in half and it's an odd number, you round down, so. So, all of them. Word of the day. That's me. Um, I'd just like to note that I've been trying to meditate before going to bed to help with my sleeping, and you sounded so much like several of the, like, Yeah, Podcast people I've listened to.
I was gonna ask if we have an ASMR podcast now, cause that's what it's Yeah, cause they're like, Tonight we are going to Um, anyways You could do the entire word of the day in the Uh, meditate, please. I can't, I couldn't do it. There's no way I would try and fail. Uh, if you want to stay up all night, I can, I could help with that kind of a podcast, but yeah.
Well, we can be dusk to dawn. You'll be the dusk waker and I'll be the dawn sleeper. Ooh, that'll be good. Join us on the methamphetamine podcast with Jess. Anywho, back to my segment, cause it's mine. Uh, welcome. It is once again, the wonderful word of the day, and I am certainly not looking for my tee ha ha ha, 100.
That is brought to you by, uh, Bia Jason, who I think got this at Comic Con. Which we will be going to in a few days, which will be weeks ago by the time this goes up. Maybe I'll get another one to go with this one. I'll have to find her a twin. I don't know why I just gendered my book. D100 as a girl, but apparently I did.
Um, so, today's wonderful were, uh, today's wonderful, today's wonderful. My speech impediment coming back. No, not at all. No, no, no, that's not it. That's, that's a hard, uh, consonant combination. So. It's the R's. That's what got me sent to speech therapy. Okay. Um, wonderful word of the day, which is taciturn. Which is a formal word that describes someone who tends to be quiet or who tends to, uh, like speak infrequently.
So they don't speak very often. So none of us when we get together, but us may be outside in the real world. Uh. We the rest of the time. And, uh, used in a sentence. The taciturn wizard quietly studied his spellbook, offering no input as the party debated their next moves. Ta da! That's why in music when, uh, like in choral music, if it's saying, okay, this group doesn't sing, it'll say tacit.
even put those two together. Beautiful. Root words are fun.
And as this word leaves our minds to never be used in the rest of this session, So that no one gets inspiration, the late afternoon sun begins casting long eerie shadows across the bustling city of Overton. And our trio of investigators have gathered in the dim light of an alcove, uh, in the club that is a second place or a third place.
for so many undead denizens of the city. They've made decisions. Sir Gregor's already at work. This noble knight, undead warrior, exuding their aura of determination, already mapping out a strategy, clearly. Sticky beak looking daunted and a bit nervous. Realizing that they've just promised to go and infiltrate a floating city that is looming closer and closer that's filled with some mechanized stuff that also destroyed his familiar.
And the trio that plans to investigate what has been happening to Ragside Proud Orphanage and the underdelvings of that loading component of Overton. Your faces etched with thoughts, anticipation, trepidation. You prepare to delve into the heart of this growing, slod darkness. What are you all up to?
I do not know! Okay, well, where was the the Crypt that we went to. Where is it? It's in the entertainment district. Okay. Alright. So Let me find my map. I'm going to guess the orphanage is not in the entertainment district. No, it's in the Crackside Crowds. The city that Ulua's favorite bar slash hangout slash performance space is.
Okay. Can we see the orphanage from Celia's we went to Celia's. Um, you couldn't have seen it from Celia's just because of how the crag site is just a hodgepodge of interconnected floating components. Um, but it wasn't far, nothing in the crag site is really far, uh, tying together various components into one big cohesive floating monstrosity is kind of what the crag site is known for.
And nothing is far from anything else, although. It's quite difficult to find things. The orphanage, unfortunately, is centralized to the Cragside. Um, any business with the funds wants to have a view, and the center of the Cragside isn't exactly prime territory, and the orphanage is located in that area because chronically underfunded programs continue to exist.
Um, are we, we're still on the same day where Sticky Beak showed up in the middle of the night, right? The day after that? The day after that, yeah. Okay, because I showed Sticky Beak After Midnight, the book that tells the secret of day, right? So I can't use it right now? Okay. Um You could choose to take a rest.
What exactly is, um, our plan going to the orphanage? Like, what exactly are we doing?
Trying, uh, trying to figure out who the Slot R and Slot E are, and maybe kill them? Is that the plan? I wonder if we
Well, I think you mentioned something about doing an inspection, right? Fake inspection. Oh, right, right. I forgot. We got papers from Sir Gregor. So. The dude. Yeah, from Sir Gregor. So we're gonna go in. Pretend like we're inspectors. Pretend like we're city inspectors. Is our plan to shut down the orphanage, maybe?
Like condemn it so that they have to leave? Hmm. I don't know if that solves anything. The paperwork that Sir Gregor gave you, if you look at it. As you're inspecting the undergirdings of the, um, of the Cragside crowds, the orphanage is the access point to that space.
I guess I'm just a little confused as to I, I mean, I, I, I guess exactly what we're doing and why. No, I, I, I, I understand you. I, I feel like I, we have this information. I, I think the issue is, is that the essentially the unsupervised children of under 10 and over 10 are at risk. And so It is our job to somehow save them, or those that are able to be saved, I think, is our goal.
Whether that be to extricate them, or to
try to kill all the sloth, or, I, I don't know how, but I, I feel like that is kind of our goal, is to Save the kids slash figure out where they might be, like where their, I don't know if it's like a nest, or like their centralized gathering point might be if they're, like, see if it's com if it's just completely slotty, or if there are any, if there's anybody that's, Unchanged left.
And the kids that Go ahead, go ahead. I was just gonna say, it may not, it might just be like a recon mission. Like, there might not be anything for us to do. Just the three of us. Um, I think we're trying to assess how far things gone, how far gone things are.
And then the kids that we already met. I was just gonna ask They were not They're from the Academy and Undertown. I was gonna ask, if you, like, put a map of Overton and a map of Undertown together, would the Academy be underneath the Orphanage? Yes. Thoughts? Okay. Is that something Gus would know, do you think?
100%. Okay. So, I'm going to pass that info on as we walk, that Um, the academy is probably also infiltrated. That's probably why they wanted to help the, oh, crack side floats. It is not tied to the earth except by the big long chains that attach itself over another neighborhood that you all know
where your parents were recently located.
So really, if you thought about it, it's like a three layer thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the crack side chained in place. And then there's like some. Space in the middle, that's like the marshmallow in the middle. Which is the Undercroft. And then the chain is like the chocolate. And then the top graham cracker is the floating part.
No. No. That hurts, and is yet so accurate. It is not accurate. It's, it's amazingly accurate. Ugh. Heh heh heh heh. Uh
So Do we wanna go via the orphanage? Or do we just, do we try to go find those kids we were looking for? talking to already?
Yes, I could try sending one of them a message.
Do I have to know a person's name or just what they look like? You just have to know of them in the appropriate level. Okay. Um
I, whichever was the one that, like, basically was the last one we spoke to that kind of gave us the lowdown before we told them that they had to run because the cops were coming or the watch was coming.
Let me mark that off.
Boop a doo, boop a doo, boop a doo, boop a doo. Which was, what, three days ago now in game time, is that right? Yeah. Three or four? Yeah, three days. Not long.
Okay. I mean, I'm gonna say This is Ulua.
We want to help.
Where can we find you? We know
about the orphanage.
How can we help you
set everyone free?
It's a bit of a moment before you hear,
I don't know what you're talking about. You're gonna help us get our academy back opened? What's happened at the orphanage? That's where my sister And then it kind of cuts off.
There was a lot of ums and ahs all mixed into there, and you can tell that their, kind of, thing was cut off. And then, as you are about to do whatever you're about to do, you hear it in your head again. Sorry. Disorganized. Um. Shit.
Where can we meet you? Oh fuck. Shit. No. Damn. Um. Ah. Uh. Ah. It just cuts off again after a lot of stumbling. Like they had a moment of trying to be organized and then they fell apart,
but you can reply to that.
I'm asking you, would I be able to understand where a good place to meet that would be accessible for them? I don't know. It's like what you think you would have known or like, would you suggest Celia's? Yes. Yeah, I guess. Some other place, I don't know.
Meet at Celia's in one hour. The Orphanage has been taken over by Creatures who
Should we say that to a child whose sister is at the orphanage? Femmes the brakes. Creatures who impersonate others. We want to save anyone who is left. P. S. Don't look under your bed. Monsters are real. I don't remember how old these kids were. I thought they were like, teens. I think they're like young teens.
Yeah, pre teens. Just a mix. No, pre teen is like 11 or 12. Yeah, this would be young teens, not actually pre teens. Pre teens would be, honestly, pre teens would be what you've seen of the messengers. Right. Okay, so I guess you're off to Silius.
Um, As we're walking, I'm going to send one more message to Celia. Okay.
Hey friend.
Me and My friends Need a private place to meet. Can you clear out the bar in an hour? I will cover losses.
You just hear, Alright, folks! Closing up! Small emergency! And you can hear just the, like, ongoing, like, Probably somebody queried her about something, and she just responds to that. Oh, no, we'll cover your professional fees next time. Don't worry about your paintings, we'll take care of Actually, let's make sure we pack those up, I don't know exactly.
And then she cuts off eventually, as she's clearly not responding to you, but it's just like you're hearing the other end of the phone conversation. Yeah. Of somebody who just doesn't know what to do with a sent message of that nature.
Okay, the three of you show up to Cecilia's Sundry's for the seaside, selling seashells. No regrets. No regrets. And you, um, see that there's a line above three kids and they're just waiting at the door. And Seraphina,
you realize that one of them has been holding A few crystals in place. And they're just all staring down at the crystals together. And the one that's holding the crystals says, Oh, she's getting really, really close. She's almost here. Oh, shit. And they look up and they see you. I just wave. Hi. Hi. I wasn't tracking you or anything.
You can see, like, the crystals kind of being taken apart really quickly and shoved into pockets. They won't let us in, so I don't think we can meet here. Um, and we probably need to meet really soon, and a couple of them look very worried. She closed for us. You can head in. Oh, she yelled. Maybe you should go first, Alula.
Of course. I head in. Okay, uh, space is yours. Should I I head in. What's happening? Are you okay? Is this like the time before? Um, the time before. That's right. That wasn't you. That was Lwaxana. And so I'll go get in touch with Lwaxana. We can, um, we can set things up and get things moving again. Celia, uh, one moment.
And I just ask, I go, can you wait outside? The three kids have not walked in. And then you have. I mean, these, these two. Like, so if, yeah. Can I have a moment with, alone with Cecilia? I just shut the door.
Um. Did I not take it? I thought I took it. Shut up, bitch. Oh, I did take it. Okay. Um, okay. Um, can I Do you trust me? Yes, I mean. Okay, I'm gonna cast Stone of Truth. Okay.
Okay, and you can feel that she's accepted the spell. Not that she had a chance anyways, but
So here's the deal. Do you know what a sloth is?
It's a creature of chaos. They are powerful and they are parasitic. And the way they reproduce is they infect hosts with a tadpole, which eventually emerges from the host killing it and they assume the form of that host. You can see the horrified expression and she reaches back behind the bar and pulls something out.
You can hear a sharp metal sound. It doesn't look like this does it? And she holds up a metal disc with multiple metal tentacles coming off of it and a huge rent in it where one of her weapons clearly destroyed the inner workings of this. Mechanical creature.
No, right? No, not a sloth. No, they're, they look more like giant frogs. But, but that You've had an infestation of these that keep tearing things up and you toss them at them. No, no, no, no, no. Okay, um, okay, well, uh, okay, follow up. Don't use any more of the messengers from the orphanage. But, I mean, those kids, they need the money.
The orphanage has been taken over and infiltrated. By these amphibious creatures that you described. Also, a high number of the Watch, the Ascended, and the Hollow Council. So are cities doomed? Not yet. Um, and I mean, I've been saying the Crackside should break free and just go do its own thing. Maybe this is the chance.
That's where everything is centrally located. That's the orphanage's You mean our orphanage?
Oh no. Now you understand why I had to test you. Your proximity, everything is centralized here.
But there's one more thing. Okay.
What, what else could there be?
Oksana is gone.
She, I don't know when. She, she left? She, no. she left. No, she was one of the, well, the No, no, no, no. You're telling me she left.
You're not telling me she left.
I was there. I watched her change,
and I watched it die.
So, I need you to tell me What meeting or what it was that she did or I'd at that time. I don't even know was the last time, whatever meeting you're talking about. Was that before or after grand was murdered because it was far before. And she's like, she's got the tears falling. It was when you all made yourselves who you are, you came in, she came in with that same expression and.
That was the moment we were gonna go and set the council on fire. We were prepared for anything and somehow things worked out. You and Oksana built a house
and a community and you changed society.
I did, I did promise her that I would take care of. Our sisters and that I would continue her legacy. So it is not the end of sincere house, not by a long shot, but right now. We need to figure out what to do or how to help these things. Um, and I kind of like, start to walk over to the door and I open it to let everybody in.
I go, I'll be right back. I need a chance to put myself together. Okay. I'm going to keep the zone of truth up for as long as I can. Oh yeah. A hundred percent. So Celia walks back into the kitchen area, you know, the staff area, um, and she's like, To get her machine gun. She's going postal. Um, uh, three young mages hopeful, magi hopeful, come in with Gus and Seraphina.
And unless you all were going to talk about anything out there, I feel like we can just move that forward. Mostly they were awkwardly kicking stones and, um, are we going to get started? Because we kind of need to get started. Oh, she's here, she's here, let's go, let's go, we gotta, we really gotta hurry. Why are you in such a rush?
And I'll like, you know, go with them. Well, and the other two kind of walk up with Gus and they hold back a little bit as Gus, um, kind of ends up being amongst the first to greet you, Ulua, and Seraphina, you hear, well, um, I shared what was, what, what, what she said, you know, she, the, with the pretty, and then the, well, I shared what she said, and, um, she, and then, you know, my sister is there, but it's also a bunch of other people's, and so, like, Twelve ish of our friends went to go deal with things directly.
Do I hear this? Uh, I don't know, Seraphina. Do you usher them quickly enough that they hear that Ulua overhears this? Uh, I mean, yeah, probably. Okay, yeah, then. Sure. Uh, and I say, Wait, who went ahead now? Yeah?
To the orphanage. I couldn't stop them. They were freaking out. I'm freaking out. And you didn't Okay, I know you can message, you need to, you need to message them right now and tell them they need to hold off.
That's why I was using the ritual.
Alright, I guess we're going.
Um, now, uh, I'm going to turn to the kids and I go, okay, here's the deal. These kids, these things are strong and they're going to look like people, you know, do any of you follow a God? You can see that one of them is kind of clutching something really quickly. As you said that, Maybe? Holy magic hurts them and they are prone to chaos.
So if you run into someone that you know, You can ask them or you can, you can try to test them, but the best way to to to figure out is they only have memories for as long as they've taken over a person. So think of, uh, uh, if you've known them long enough, think of a memory from years ago and. If they, and, make something I can see the first of the kids nodding his head.
Yes, make something up, so that something is, is, is wrong, that the other person would be like, no, that's not how it happened. You know what I mean? But if it's the wrong, if it's, if they're a slob, they won't know. Do their tattoos still work? And you can see them hold up and rub a place where you can see that at some point, there was a tattoo of the messengers.
One of the iridescent bioluminescent tattoos, but it's faded. I don't actually know. I don't, I don't know what, what was the purpose of the tattoos. That's how you knew that they were actually, truly a messenger. Like how, when I stopped being a messenger, the magic faded. I'm not sure. I think, I think the way that they, the way that they assume another's form is through a sort of polymorph.
So, if they can That wouldn't work with the spell. Okay. So, so, okay. Just, and then you can see the other two conferring. That's helpful for us to know. Okay. Um, alright, so that's, that's another way. But if you run into any adults, I would just, avoid, avoid them if you can. Um, the other thing is they, they can see very well in the dark.
They can see very well in the dark, so you don't try to blind them, it doesn't do anything. Um, and I look to Gus and Seraphine, I go, is there anything else that I'm missing that you can think of?
Oh, um, they, they don't, uh, they aren't very, uh, they're very resistant to elemental magic. You see one of them brighten up. It's like, we hadn't gotten to elemental magic yet. Okay. So keep that in mind. The one that we saw was green and, and through fire, but I don't know the extent of, I think there's two other colors, but I don't know what their skills are.
We were learning how to do, oh, but they already ran ahead. We have a, we have a way to stop that maybe. Okay. Is, is the Sending Stone that, somebody gave us a Sending Stone at some point, right? Yes. Does that only go to the person with the stone? Yeah, it's stone to stone. It's similar to the earbuds. Got it.
The earworms only work to the other earworms that are attuned. Got it, got it, got it, got it, got it. Okay. So the three earworms that you all have I think Gus put his in. I think they're all in. Um, I don't know, you two said that you were creeped out and you wouldn't do it, so I don't think you Well, I Yeah, so if Gus doesn't have it in.
I was creeped out because I was uncomfortable with the idea of it eating my brain. But if we had made it in, if we had agreed that it was going to be something that we included in our like nightly ritual of feeding them. And it wasn't going to be a task heavy thing, then, okay, then, then it's it. I feel like a bunch of ADHD people have to remember every time we play, that's the problem.
Like, you expect me to remember that you haven't fed your secret worlds? Exactly, exactly, yeah. So, I mean, it's, it's But so that's okay. Yeah, in which case, yes, there's a lot of things in this game that you can just do that too. FYI, audience, talk to your DM, but automate. It's just a subscript that runs the background.
You don't have to do the work. I just, that's, that was my whole thing. Like, it's, you know, like, there's a reason that I, as, as cute as Tamagotchis are, I really, really, really, really can't have one for that exact reason. But, um, okay, so,
and I look at the other two besides the one that I was talking to, and go, neither of you know Sending either? No, I mean, he was advanced.
You can see the first one looks pretty proud of it, but also really, really depressed about their situation. Are any of them the ones To sleep? No, no, no, no, no. Are any of them Were any of them with you when you tried to to nab us? Um, I don't remem I'm sure it's They seem to be conferring, but like I don't know who you remember.
And then the one that seems to be the most knowledgeable, but it's out of thoughts. Um, I don't know. I, I don't know if we really hung out long enough, I mean I talked with you all the most, but I don't know if you would be able to pick up? Unless yours is different? I mean
We should just go. I agree. I'm waiting for Celia.
Celia said to wait. Uh, can I use message in the direction that she went? Oh, the copper message? Yeah. Anytime. Yeah. Yeah. Um, Hey lady. So so good news, bad news, um, or maybe just not any good news. Um, the kids that are with us, uh, they shared what I told them with their other classmates at the Academy. And a lot of them have siblings at the orphanage.
And there's now about 12 of them, uh, who went ahead and are talking or going to the orphanage. So we need to move. Um, these kids, uh, know how to, uh, differentiate between someone who isn't, who is and isn't a slob. Uh, I will catch you up, but how much, how much more time do you need? We need to leave. We'll not get used to that, she says coming around the corner.
Ever in my life, you were in my head. That is creepy. And as she's saying, each statement is punctuated as she puts down a different bit of material. Um, and right in front of you, Gus, she puts down a map that's kind of folded multiple times over. In front of you, Seraphina, she puts down a scroll. And in front of you, Ulua, she puts down a, um, a, uh, what looks like a potion of some sort.
When it's shoved down. It kind of swirls for a moment, and then it seems to slow itself in the swirl before picking up speed again and becoming more potion like. Um, and then staring at the three young people, she goes, and you three are wearing these. And she begins putting some necklaces over the three younger folks heads.
If you're going anywhere with these crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy Lovely people. Let's go. And I just kind of, I grab Cea's forearm and I go, Thank you. You don't, you don't have to do this, but thank you. She lifts up her arm and you can see, uh, what was left of a bioluminescent tattoo. I'm raised right. We have to fix this.
So, and I start to explain to her as we leave about, How the kids figured out that the tattoo, and I explain all the ways to, yeah. Yeah, it's really interesting because you're traveling with four people whose bioluminescent tattoo has faded. Because they are no longer members of that messenger group.
Right. That they all had as young people. Right. Um, but, You head off, and Gus, you have a map. of the underside of Cragside Crowds. Seraphina, you have a Scroll of Lesser Restoration. And Ulua, you have a Potion of Slowed Time. Gus, that map has certain areas highlighted that were
used by the messengers. And I think, from your knowledge as a member of the Watch, nobody knows. Like this map is highly illicit for you to have, because the messengers do not share this. Okay. Honestly, for Celia to have it is kind of height of, somebody snuck something they shouldn't have. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Okay. Are we at the orphanage? Yes. At the orphanage's gates. I'm going to, uh You've crossed a bunch of overhangs and underpasses to get there, but you're here. Is there like a guard, or like, are the gates open? Roll a perception check.
13. Uh, nestled in this space, uh, it's a place where, if it was lit from the inside, You would see a quaint two story building, a warm glow would probably be coming from inside, it looks like a place that should be really happy, but the windows are dark, the grounds are empty of people, um, you can hear the sound of glass breaking and of wood splintering.
There does not appear to be anyone on guard outside. Are the gates closed? They are closed, but they're I'm gonna push them to see if they're locked. Just swing wide open a little bit of a creak of unoiled hinges. As we get closer, I'm just gonna, like, pull out a handful of copper and I look to the kids and I go, do any of you know message?
Yeah, I think, yeah, I remember it. It's really easy. Um, um, and you can see one of them really thinking hard. And then the other one slaps the back of their head and is like, Pull out your copper bar, you idiot. And they pull out a little tiny piece of copper themselves and go like, Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know this.
Okay, try to get in touch with your friends if they're inside, wherever you just heard that crashing from. So they start aiming the copper all around and you can see them focusing and concentrating. Oh, no! I popped off my pop filter. You can see them trying their best to try to engage, and they're every time they're not the best at this and they're not subtle.
Every time it's like, Hello, Fred, Fred. Hello, Fred. Jamie. Jamie. Sam. Sam. Sammy. Elyn! Elyn! Hello? Hi? Hi. I'm just gonna like, quit on the side like, and I'm just gonna like, start striding for the front door. Yeah. You walk up to the front door, you can see that as you get closer, Um, you can see through the front door, it is actually open, uh, uh, Swinging a little loosely, and you can see where there probably was, there probably was a main hall.
There's this spacious room and there's some colorful tapestries, some of them have been ripped off though, and just kind of pooled on the ground. There's a fireplace, it looks like this was probably like a combination room where people, where the orphans and the messengers and their caregivers. Lived, ate, socialized, all the things, um, there's some toys for very young children scattered about, um, and then just a bunch of books that look like they're worn but well cared for and currently torn up all over the place, and there, tearing through the space is a disc shaped machine like creature that is ripping through space.
Books out of a bookshelf and as you watch you hear it grab something that's squishy sounding and then you hear a high pitch as you see its mechanical arms squeeze and kill this small tadpole ish salamander esque creature before the whirring robot turns to the next uh, shelf. And begins doing the same procedure of just tearing through it, hunting for something.
Does it look like the thing that Celia had? It looks like that thing, but Without the horrible breakage and Working order? Working order, yeah. And I just kind of like, hold out my arm to Celia and I go, It's killing them.
Um Uh, hello, schlod. Getting machine? I don't know. Seeing and hearing it. We are your friends. Whirls around. You can see that there's this, especially Seraphina for you, you can see that there's this sort of attenuation of its ocular space as it focuses on Gus. And you all hear this mechanical buzzing. Uh, I prep to spell magic.
I would like to cast a thing that I have, uh, Comprehend Languages on myself. As you cast Comprehend Languages, give me a hot second here. A hot second here to make sure this is actually doable. Literal meaning of any spoken language you hear. Can read anything as long as I'm touching the surface it's written on.
Does not decode secret messages or glyphs such as Archean sigils. It isn't part of a written language. I think you here, date your nature and your confirmation to the whole.
Uh, my name is Gus and I am an investigator and I'm here to investigate the slah de infestation of this orphanage. And these are my associates. You do not conform. Conform to what? You. Please restate purpose and confirmation. I am here to investigate the salady infestation of this building. Do you restore order?
Temporary allowances shall be maintained. You may proceed. Are you from the flying city that's approaching us?
Your chaos does not make sense to me. Please state your confirmation.
What do you mean? Define confirmation.
You are here to establish order. Yes. Follow through with your command. Very well.
Continue your slaughter of slutty related beings. Your chaos has been evaluated. We will rectify after the initial problems are resolved. Cool. I'm just gonna like, walk past it and like, into the building looking for her. It kind of pauses for a moment, turns and looks at you, Ulua, Seraphina, Celia, the three kids.
Makes more buzzing noises that it's been making while Gus was making noises and stuff and talking to it. And then you hear a little squeak and a bit of movement in the further part of the room. And it spins around so quick that it almost can't be seen and zips over there and it just, one of its mechanical arms is stabbed through yet another small tadpole creature.
Wait, do we determine if the people around us when we are using comprehend languages, like, can they understand what I was saying? They understood you. Okay. Comprehend Languages means that everybody can understand Gus, and Gus can understand everybody. But you can't understand the person that, or the creature that Gus was talking to.
So we heard his side of the conversation, but not, but not the machine's. Yeah. Got it. Um, it wants to know if we're here to restore order. I told it yesh. I mean, if killing Slaad restores order, then yes. Butch, but I thought. Alright, uh, let's leave it. Let's go about our business, and we'll, uh. Go about restoring order.
I guess this place there, it must be overrun. I'm starting to understand what's happening with the floating city. I have a theory now, but this isn't the time.
We have a theory. It's a demon dancing demon. We know something right there. So the three of you plus Celia and the three kids. Head deeper into the orphanage. They seem to know their way around and are able to, like, look around locations. They're very quickly looking very confused as you continue your explorations.
Yes, Seraphina? Um, was I around when It's just like
Was I there when Castelia was, um, showing the little the broken thing to Ulua? No, that was No, you guys weren't in yet. Okay. Uh, in that case, uh, Is everyone actively leaving the room that this thing is in? Yes. I'm guessing so. You're trying to get to the problems. Are you having tinkering issues? Yes. Yes.
Tinkering, I think it's tinkering impulse control. I'm just, I'm just going to yell up to the front. Because for some reason I feel like I'm towards the back. And just be like, uh, uh, you know, there's like a whole thing happening. And it's destroying tadpoles. We know. We're Uh, should I, should I, should, uh, I think I need to look at it.
Um, he just had a hold on conversation with it. It is intelligent, it is sentient, it is on a mission, my guess is. Uh, I think we'll have more opportunities to talk to them. I think that's from the city that's coming. And I think that if you try to mess with it, it's going to attack you. If you try to stop it from doing its goal.
Thank you. So maybe we look at the shiny robot later, love.
Okay. For what it's worth, Celia has one that maybe you could try to fix up. Here? No, back at the, not right now. We're a little busy. Huh?
Right now we're uh, going to where our best to get at. A little busy saving the universe here. I just, I could, I could possibly make more of them.
Make it do better. Yeah, but once we know that it's. Friendly, and not also trying to ki not just momentarily not trying to kill us because we are also killing Slaad. I could, I could make it friendly. Maybe. Tell it to be friendly. Maybe. Now is not the time to try to find out. I don't think so. I just like, howl and start to walk whatever direction everyone was going.
If it's still there and we come out this way, and we make it out of this alive, sweetie, I promise I will let you tinker with the robots. You have my word, okay? And I just grab her face and I, like, smooch her on the, on the lips. Just absolute Distraction roll for attention sake. I just, uh, uh, uh But right now, we need to save those kids, okay?
Kids. Save the kids! And I just start marching. I'm like, kids! Save the kids! Just bright, whatever a green, a blushing green, tiefling looks like. Congrats on, uh, having ridiculously high persuasion, Gus. I looked at your persuasion modifier This thing can't roll against that.
I was ready to have you roll a persuasion roll, and I was like, no. This is It's only a plus four. I could've rolled a two and then it would've Yeah, this has a negative charisma. It's just And it's wisdom is zero. Oh, buddy! It's like, not even gonna happen. I was like, nope. It can't insight check against this, it can't, it's just going to trust what Gus said.
Gus did nothing to trip it up, truly, this is totally Gus 1. I'm gonna go, is there, we're going upstairs, downstairs, like what are the options here? Uh, there is an upstairs, uh, you can go up, and then there is the kitchen area, you do have that map, and with that map you can see that there's a whole underground complex underneath the actual orphanage itself.
I would like to listen for the breakage of noises and things, where that's coming from. You did hear it when the robot was, uh, smashing things in that main room. But listening carefully to see if there's any additional noises, go ahead and roll a perception check. Fifteen. Yeah, with a fifteen you can tell that there's additional sounds that are not coming from upstairs.
They're coming from deeper below. I thought you said ice cream.
When he was saying 15, I thought he was, I thought he went, Ice cream. I was like Yes, Gus rolled ice cream. Exactly where they're coming from is not clear to you, but based on the map that you have and the three young, young mages in training, um, you know where to go. They're, they're going to usher you towards this, uh, entrance through the pantry of the kitchen.
You all head to the pantry and There's the door. It's The door, Charlie. Damn it. I was trying really hard not to say it. It is open and the sounds are magnified now. You can hear that there's a lot happening down below. You can hear, um, the banging of metal, the scraping of different sounds. Um, you can hear voices.
Some of them are screaming in fear. Uh, some are Sounding panicked but trying to calm something down. Um, You hear the sound of the Slavi, like you heard before, the, the heavy vocalizations that they make in their native language are a little bit deeper and more coarse, but you can hear that there's communication happening down as well as, uh, omnipresent sound, buzzing sound of the same sort as the machine that you just saw.
Um, Gus, since you still have comprehend languages up, you're able to make out it's. Pandemonium down there out of sight around the corner somewhere is full on battle That's my brain like this. It was pandemonium The Jenkins house was right over our head
Question how long does comprehend languages last? One hour. So does that mean you can hear what they're yelling and understand what they're yelling? That's useful
What are they yelling? Like, oh shit, it's using a buzzsaw and cutting my head off. Run. Oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die. Um, from the slutty, you hear, kill them all! Enemies of chaos! Their owner is a prison, break free! Let them embrace the void! Bring the children, let the universe burn! Various versions of that.
From the maudren, you hear, maintain formation. Focus on target. End it. Contained chaos. Additionals are considered chaos. Restore order. And then you hear another voice that's a little bit more nuanced saying, Their madness is a threat to all. Eliminate all.
I'm gonna run down the stairs. I'm gonna fling open my papers from Sir Gregory. Gregory, is that it? Gregor. Gregor. And I'm gonna hold him up to the nearest robot and be like, I'm with the Freemation's building inspectors, and um,
Uh, me and my associates are here to restore order by eliminating schlod y, and not eliminating anyone that's not schlod y.
We are here to preserve the lives and order of all the unschlod folks in this room and building. You immediately get partial confirmation approved, secondary objective invalid.
So you're going to help us kill the swati and not, and help us save everyone else? You can see as, cause you're now moved down further and you're like in the space where things are engaged and this one maudrin has turned to face you. And you can see that it was going to just attack, protecting the flank of its team.
There, there is a pitched battle between the Slutty and the Modrin forces, and you can see that within a cage of magic, there are several of the young Apprentice Wizards, mages, and young children. They have put themselves within a force cage. High level, powerful magic. But you know, it only lasts for an hour.
And they've placed themselves in an inescapable space.
The Modron currently are only attacking the available targets, which are the Slutty. But without fail, they consistently and repeatedly continue to test the Force Cage to see if it's still stopping them from entering. So you can tell that there's something going along with this. With that kind of layout, just roll an insight check.
Anybody? Um, Gus. Gus is the only one who's down there so far. I mean, I would. Okay. Unless you guys start after a minute, a second, but he ran down like doing the whole, like, got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Yeah. Insight is dirty 20. Ooh, dirty 20. Uh, I say with the dirty 20, um,
you were uneasy with the first mechanical creature up above. and what it really meant. These things seem just as dedicated to their order, with quotes around that, as the Slutty have been in the literature that you read, dedicated to chaos. And looking at and hearing how they're speaking, it sounds more like they will accept your help in the short term and then plan to make you conform to order as well.
And By the definition of what's happening here, and what you're seeing, order for unordered creatures is death.
I'm gonna, um, just look at the robot and be like,
Our version of order is to follow our laws. The Slot E are in violation of our laws. The other people here are not. So can we align on a goal to eliminate the Slot E together?
You Let me give me a hot second here. All right, you forced me to create a, uh, a roll table. So I need you to roll a persuasion check. A failure, an absolute failure would be a one through five, which I know you're just not capable of. Um, minimal success would be a six through 10 and you'll get its interest, but it's not going to trust you.
It's not going to accept your help. 11 through 15, you might be able to sway it slightly, but just keep in mind that that's a very tenuous thing. 16 through 20, you might get a little bit more of that, but you've got to roll really high. 13 plus four. 13 plus your persuasion. Plus four. 17. 17. Okay, so you can tell in this moment, in this pitched battle, where You can see that there's a slight advantage to the Slaad, the Slaadi, in this moment.
Your words seem to resonate with the Modron temporarily. And you can see the mechanical creature reconsider its stance a bit, and it says to you, For long term order, short term chaos is sustained.
Sounds good, buddy. At this point, have I come down the stairs yet? At that point, Ulua and Seraphina. You catch up to Gus, Cecilia right on your heels, and, um, the, uh, kids not coming down yet, building up their courage. Remember, they're going to mage school, not school. Right, right. Um,
as I get down there, I'm going to say, that's, that's, that's a lot of, what's the You can just see that there's, there are a lot of kids. Red and blue skinned Sladee here. And I would like you, Ulua, since you're looking at the Chaos rather than the Modron, I would like for you to roll a Perception check.
Perception. Ooh. Not great. Nine.
Nine. You
can see that there's some disorder between the red and blue Slot E, but every time there is, there's a quick bark from somewhere deeper in the darkness that keeps them focused on fighting the robotics. So there's something somewhere directing their acts. Okay. Amongst the metallic creatures, there's a Some pretty simple designs, the one that, um, Gus spoke with didn't seem to have any appendages and seemed to have a lot of additional ocular spots, really some sort of specialized task that it has.
You can see others that have, um, more armor oriented appendages and others that have much more weaponry oriented appendages. And a few that have kind of a combination of both. But you can see that those ones are not as effective against the pure insanity of how the Slotty are attacking. The Slotty that you fought, the green one, seemed to be retreating more than anything else.
And in this situation, there is claw attacks, biting, there's a lot of just crazy moves that, you know, it's the type of stuff you'd expect from an enraged barbarian. Not. a group of creatures fighting a well organized folk. Yet still the modren seem to be getting pushed back a bit. Um, Do I see the kids in the cage?
Yes, you can see that the young folk are in a force cage, and there's one who's seeming to hold the spell together. They're sweating profusely. Everybody in the forest cage looks terrified. The younger children in the forest cage look like they're just pure exhausted. Okay, um, I'm going to use message, and I'm going to look back, back up, and I go, Your friends need your help.
You need to come down here, and you need to help them out and test, test them. You need to help them. If there's anybody who, who doesn't pass the test, try to keep them away from the others. I, I don't know how, but
maybe ask them to stay and help and send the others on or something, but we need you now. You hear back? We're trying, talking to a couple of them. I finally caught them, like we can hear them now. And you can see that in the forest cage, as that's being secured, there's one, one of the older kids is holding a bit of something.
And pointing it up towards where, you know, where the kids are. I'm just going to do it one more time and say, There's another one of them down here trying to hold a force cage and I don't know how much longer he'll last.
Finally, one of the faces peek down pale and afraid and says, I can't get through that, and they're pointing and you can see that the pitch battle is really just blocking anybody's ability to cross over to where the force cage is located. Okay, um. I'm going to look at Gus and Seraphina and go and Celia and say, you ready?
Ready. Um. We don't know they're called modern yet, right? These fellows are on our side.
You convinced threat to order. Yeah.
Okay. Um. I'm going to take one last moment to message up to them, I'm going to, I'm going to try to clear the way and then I'm going to cast cloud of daggers directly between where we are at like the bottom of the, the entrance and the force cage so that if things want to get out of it, they have to move out of the way.
I need you to roll initiative. You've just joined the initiative order. Yep. Can I, as a free action, as I go to Gus, can I say, can you tell them to move? Oh no, I just threw my dad oh, there it is, okay. Um. Please tell your friends to move out of that space right there.
Ooh, not bad. At all! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Hm, hm, hm. I don't remember what I, silent consultation occurs. I give lucky kisses.
I don't remember what gives me a high initiative now, but, uh, my kiss
you can see that area clears of the modern and, and the one that's looking at you. I hope you are prepared like our line. There we go. Uh, okay. And I, my initiative is 27. I am girl! What the heck are you at? Psycho. Well, we're at plus five. We're at plus five and I have alert, which is a plus five bonus. I'm also getting in this.
Do you want me to roll an initiative? Gus, you are now officially in as well. Okay, my initiative is 21. Okay, you are now in combat. Quick question. Needing a small bit of clarification. So, The cage is holding the kids. Yes. And they are now daggers. I think the plan is so that everybody will scatter out of the daggers and she'll drop the daggers and the kids can drop the cage and run.
I think is the thinking right now. Great. Clearing the way. Got it, understood.
So, casting clouded daggers at the fourth level.
Uh, 16 points of damage if they start, or if they end their turn. No, if they If they end their turn, yeah. Or if it starts its turn there. Which, so, anybody that's in there now will take 15 damage. Everything in there is gonna get smacked, yeah. Yes. Not a ton, but That's not fun. You, Jason's fun graphic. So, Ulua, you cast this spell.
It The maudrin have moved out of the way just before you've cast this spell, so we're going to start on your turn having cast this spell. I would leave you with still movement and a bonus action if you would like to use any of that. Um I remember one of my action bonus actions I really wanted to do. Uh And meanwhile, Seraphina, you have not engaged yet in any way, so you can feel free to interject at any point, but then you will be comfortable to turn the board around.
I'm, I'm gonna point at Gus, I'm gonna cast Bardic Inspiration and go, You got this! Bardic Inspiration. Inspiration. Expiration? Yes, still 18. Okay, and you're not moving? Um, Is there room for me to move
So that The Cloud of Daggers is between So if I'm looking at the Cloud of Daggers, the force cage is to my right and the slot are on the other side? No, the, the Or is it right in the middle? It's all right in the middle. There's the slot. We're very much trying to, um, I think Okay. I think I can share this without giving anything that's untoward.
Okay. Okay. The S. L. O. D. were very much trying to keep their resource, the kids, um, contained, and then I think you can kind of anticipate the trickle of events. The Modron arrived and began wiping out, or trying to wipe out the S. L. O. D., and the S. L. O. D. have rallied as a defensive situation. At the same time time or near to it, the kids began to, or the older kids, the mages began to arrive and seeing the situation went to protect their younger siblings in some cases, probably, but also just the kids that they probably grew up with, or were even taken care of when they were young, they took care of some of these younger kids at different points, being members of the same orphanage.
So that protective instinct guided at least. One or two to setting up the force cage. So it's all a mess of activity. Okay. And when you've cast this cloud of daggers, you are, based on your intent, trying to create a little pathway that as soon as you drop the cloud of daggers, those kids that are in the force cage, if they can drop the force cage, could run through.
Okay. I think what I would like to do then is, um,
I guess. from splitting the group, uh, I'm gonna go basically directly to my left however far I can based on whatever space is available so that way if the slot that as they're moving out they come to like at a diagonal and not towards my group so I will move 30 feet in a straight line to my left, or however far there is before I run into 25 feet that direction.
Yeah. Um, before the wall will start to curve. Okay. And go into the room. So if you want to stay on the outskirts, you would stop before the curve. Yeah, or, I mean, as far as I can get to, to where I'm either, uh You're trying to create a secondary source for the slutty to run into. Yeah, I'm trying to make myself a target.
Stupid idea. But, uh, I guess as far as I can go and and not get attacked essentially, not be within, like, striking range. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So far you're not within striking range. Okay. The Mawdran um, phalanx that broke when you, when asked to break to create that space For a moment, it did look like it was going to falter, but with the Cloud of Daggers there, there's kind of that bolster to it.
They haven't broke the line, so they're still maintaining their order and their lines of battle. So, it's very chaotic in the sense that there's a lot of battle happening and the Slutty are just insane while they fight. Um, but you are still within a protected area. Um, should the modren on this side fall, the Slutty would have a direct line to, that are on this side, direct line to getting to you, but right now, everything's okay.
Um, speaking of that, as your turn ends, the Slutty don't even flinch with the Cloud of Daggers. They seem to rush into it, screaming in glee, and begin attacking the modren on either side of it. Creating a situation where the Madren's flank has been exposed in some ways, but there's now kind of a pathway, Gus, that you can see, um, but it's a pathway bordered by Slutty, not bordered by your temporary allies.
Um, and with that, you see some of the Madren just ripped to shreds as these massive salamander esque creatures. Rip into the side where the defensive formation, the defensive type robotic creations are not able to defend in this moment of quick chaos, but just as quickly, you can see that the Modrin are trying to reform their line.
Gus, it is your turn. Okay, so basically in front of us, there is a line of Modrin, or there's a cloud of daggers. On one side of that, there is a, sides of that, there's Modrin. So you have cloud of daggers that sits central at the edges of that cloud of daggers getting ripped up by the cloud of daggers because they're these crazed monstrosities or they slutty that are trying to rip into the modren.
They use that opening created where modren shields to kind of get into that line of space and begin ripping into the modren. Um, the Madren have responded and they're also attacking, but it's kind of just this temporary stalemate of battle. And then just beyond that, you can see the force cage, um, you can see a couple of Madren that had been engaged with testing the force cage again and again and again, have turned and have fallen in behind this Lutti.
In some ways, it looks like this is either going to be a pincer attack by the Madren at some point, if they can hold their lines, and crush the slutty between them, or the slutty are going to just swarm outside of this thing on what the situation is. I think that's where your tactical mind as a former watch investigator goes.
Okay, so cloud of daggers, maudrin on either side, slot attacking those maudrin from the front and from inside the cloud of daggers. Yeah. Okay. So I'm going to drop a walled light. I cross all the slot, like, as close to the monitors as I can get without them being in it. I just drop it, like, across the entire room, um, to hit all of the slot at once.
Beautiful. Uh, I just love this picture of this. And my verbal is gonna be star light, star bright, motherfucker, and then I'm gonna And I'm gonna drop my big rainbow wall. This brilliant rainbow wall erupts into being. We're ripping through the slutty lines, bringing further chaos to an already chaotic creature set.
Con 16 is the saving throw. Um, let me see. What is the type of magic this is? Uh, it is Radiant. Cool. How much damage? Uh, that is 16 or half if they fail the 16 damage or half, or 8 if they fail. Yeah, it's just ripping up this line of slutty. The blue ones seem to fall more quickly than the red ones in this moment.
Uh, you also hear in Madren,
reasonable solution for an inadequate being.
I just be like, thanks bro. Any bonus action or movement?
I'm just gonna stay, like, behind the modrin line, and I'll call a dagger next to Alola, I guess. And then, uh, bonus action will be Nothing. Because I do not have anything.
I'm done.
Seraphina, you've held back so far, and as you're holding back, you just watch as Celia runs out the door. like some strange barbarian berserker herself, streaming as she tosses broken bottle tops into the fray like daggers. And you see Slade getting hit one after another as she tosses just fragments of bar glass.
And you hear the chink as she steps forward and she's just got this big bag full of all the broken bottles and she just took the recycling with her. That's amazing. And she's just using them. She is technically classed as a barbarian who has the bar brawler feat. As well as a few other feats that are all going to take a round picking up random crap and throwing it.
That's so good. So you just see this whole mess of glass and stuff, and as that mass of Cecilia passes by you, still maintaining her distance, not getting directly involved, she's not getting into Mollie range of anything, uh, one of the kids comes back behind you, Seraphina, the ones that were, that had joined you all, and she says, Okay, I think I know what you're gonna do, but Too s It's gonna be scary.
Tell me when. And I'll just, I got something that might help.
I'm just so lost by all of this. Um, this like, force. The kid pulls up to your other side, Seraphina, and she's like, okay, tell me when to tell them to run and to draw. I think we understand that you, you want them to just like run through.
Little gap.
Do I see what little gap they're talking about? You see where the Cloud of Daggers is. And that's where they're nodding towards. As soon as They're looking to you for guidance about when they're supposed to make their run. Oh my god, I have literally no idea. Um Is this like, force cage? Like a literal cage?
Like, there's like a ceiling, and like, all surrounding, or Yeah, uh, it's a, it's not like a ceiling ceiling, but it's a magical protection. It's like an impenetrable box. I've never heard that before. Yeah, it's just like a mobile, invisible, I mean you can't see it, see it, but you can see the, the, the, uh, Every time the modern were testing it you could see where the limits of the bounds of it were.
But it's just an immovable invisible cube shaped prison that these kids have used in an inverted way as protection rather than as a way of keeping themselves imprisoned. They're using it as a shield.
And it's magic that I think you all are really well aware that these kids probably Don't know very well. It's probably beyond their real capabilities. It's probably not gonna live up to the normal expectations for this spell. Yeah, but She's just not gonna do anything right now because she doesn't know what to do.
Because Jessica doesn't know what to do either. Okay. So she's just waiting and watching to figure out what she's supposed to do. Okay. And waiting and watching with you are these two kids. I guess I'm gonna hold,
um, I'll hold a firebolt, uh, in case a slod gets too close. Okay, yeah. So you can be holding that, that won't put you into combat order, but if something happens, we'll bring that up. Otherwise I'm gonna keep skipping you in combat order until you're ready, okay? Uh, you can see that the formation is getting much more ragged.
The blue slitty that had gone within the sides are starting to pull back a little bit, being torn up so much it's not good for anybody's constitution. Plus they're also taking all the blows from the modron, which were concentrating their fire on that opening. And you can see a couple of the blue slitty have fallen from that area.
The red seems to be much more robust against all the combination of things. And so they've, they've pulled back out of the cloud of daggers a bit. And as they pull back, the modron pulls back. continue to maintain that, their line and not pushing into it. Um, the wall, uh, Gus continues to provide a different barrier and you can see that, uh, additional slutty are pushing up against it as they, you've created it so that it bisected their line and it forces them to have to go through it.
The ones that are pulling back are going through your wall. What happens to them? Marjoram? As they cross the rainbow. Um, but so the way I envisioned it was, there was like, we were standing here, there's modern in a line in front of us with a cloud of beggars in the middle. I put the, so there's saying there's other ones deeper into the room that are, we're trying to, okay.
As long as they don't stop in it, they don't take any damage. So they can pass through it at will. They just can't stop in it. Let me just roll a dice here.
Three of the sluggy stay within the wall. Looking around like gaping idiots because what does a chaotic creature do?
Shiny light! Exactly. What would a Ulua do? Hey! What would a Ulua do? Says the ruler of all chaos goblins. Oh no, it would be like more than three if it was me. Yay! Hey, everybody come over here. I don't need to tell you why. Come here. I want you to smell this. That's so you when we play games. Oh my god, it's the worst.
Uh, okay. So yeah, you're there in this space and these three are getting affected by the wall. I don't remember, is there a higher level that it hits or is it just the same damage? Uh, same. Um, I don't know if I need to roll it again maybe. If it's a different turn. Um, It's 48, so I can just roll it again if you need me to.
8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Yeah, they, they get hit by it, and you see them kind of like, jerk, contort a little bit, and then one of them just cackles manically.
Uh, that takes us back up to Ulua. It is your turn.
I'm going to pick the nearest, actually I'm going to pick, um, any of the Slaad that are still in the Cloud of Daggers. And I'm going to cast, uh, Raulothan Psychic Lance. Okay. Um, And I, uh, can you tell me if they're red or blue? They are red. Okay. The blue ones have not been doing so well, and they were the first to pull out.
You can see that the red are quickly going to be followed. Um, and I'm just gonna, um, I'm just gonna say something along the lines of
You're the wrong color red. Let me show you what color red you should be. Uh, and that's 20 points of damage. And I think they need to make a 15 intelligence save? Yeah.
An intelligence save? Mm hmm. Must make an intelligence saving throw.
A 15?
Yeah, they take the full damage. Uh, and they are incapacitated until the start of my next turn. Yeah.
I think you have your pathway. Um, you think? Or, yes, there is a, the, the Everything that is within the Cloud of Daggers is dead. It's not dead, but it's incapacitated. It can't take actions or reactions. So there is a, if you dropped the Cloud of Daggers, the kids could run through right now. Uh. Or your next turn.
Okay. Uh, then I am going to do that. And as a free action, I'm going to yell, or I'm going to, uh, message. Cause I don't know if I can, uh, cause. The kids are across the way, instead of yelling and alerting them, I'm just going to message at them and go, No! Sure, we can we can Drop it. It might be technically something that you shouldn't be able to do, but yeah.
Well. But I think it's light enough and fun enough. Well, uh No, it's fine, I think I can! I think I can. Right? You just cast a spell. Right. And then bonus action, cast a, uh It Oh, right. Okay. Uh, but I think, You know what? It's, it's fine. Nevermind. Nevermind. Nevermind. Get them to go! Make them run! Seraphina. I was In this moment, you see that the pathway has become clear and the two kids to either side of you are looking at you very anxiously.
You can see that there's a pathway that could be clear As Ulua, Ulua, I'm guessing you're doing this, you drop the cloud of daggers. So the pathway is clear? Yes. The pathway is clear. Yeah, as soon as she drops the cloud of daggers, I would tell the kids to tell them to run. Okay, would you do anything in that moment?
don't have, like,
Um, No. I don't know. Okay. And Gus, it is your turn before it is their turn. Um, I'm going to do the thing with the, where the wall of light shoots a bolt of light, which I totally have up in front of me because I'm really well prepared. Yeah. I can see that you're like totally on it. This is where we cut again.
Okay. So same thing. I'm going to shoot whichever one is like closest to where the kids will run. Beautiful. Just like, covering fire. And remember, this is all happening pretty much in sync. Like, the moment Leloua dropped the cladded daggers and started shouting, Gus is casting this, or manipulating the wall to cast this spell.
So it's all just happening in this one singular moment here. Um,
You just see these two red ones flailing. Oh, wait, wait, sorry. I didn't roll the rain spell attack. My bad. I could have missed. Hang on. I just rolled the damage just assuming I would hit, because apparently I'm cocky. Um, 16? Yeah, that still hits. Okay. You just see these flailing in the beam of light. What was the damage?
Uh, 21.
Yeah, there's just like Those of you who've had fried, uh, frog legs, you can smell the tenderness in this moment. No! Something smells like chicken.
And they're just That moment in those gifts where the frog's bones show through the skin. These salamander esque creatures getting cooked alive. Um Any movement or bonus action or anything? Nope. Okay. Actually, that is a bonus action, isn't it? Making your wall burn. No, that's an action. Beam of Radiance.
Cool. And that takes us to Madren, push back. One huge push. Um, and it's You can't tell if they're assisting you or if they're just taking advantage of the Messiness of the Slotty's attacks as all these various things happen. Actually wait, I want to use my bonus action to tell the robot that I've been communicating with to not, tell his people not to stop inside the light.
As they push back, you can see that several of the um, Slotty are shoved into that wall. Um, then 17, no wait, no, 18, 19, 20, 23. Beautiful. For that round of Google. You can see, uh, the horse cage seems to evaporate in this moment. And, Seraphina, you hear, now? I just gotta go. Yeah. And, uh, you know, you've said yeah, and you've said it after.
Four magic missiles fly from your left side and four more fly from your right side. bashing into the front lines of the Slaadi'i, continuing to create chaos and damage in that space. I think that helps. And then you see the first of the kids running through. Their face is blackened by soot, by Who knows what, by just malnutrition, not being cared for in a little bit, for a little bit.
And then another one, and another one, and pretty soon you're seeing twelve very young children running through. And then three older children, three of the mage kids running behind them. And the last one runs up to you, Seraphina, as the person that they had adopted. Kind of, mostly focused on early on, and they say, Uh, um, I don't think he's gonna make it.
Who? Frankie. Frankie, he said he was gonna hold them off.
Where is he? As you say, where is he, you feel the pulse of magic. You And a huge explosion rocks the back of the space.
And you know that somebody cast a spell that was well beyond their capabilities.
In that temporary silence after that, the maudrin continue to push and fight, the bloody continue to push and fight, but I think you're all aware that one of these underqualified kids just can't.
cast magic so far beyond their abilities that it consumed them.
And with that, we will take a lovely siesta and see you all again next session. Probability of Demise. The most light hearted, wonderful thing that didn't kill any of the party members ever. Thank you so much for joining us. We hope you have a wonderful time. Please like, subscribe, and leave all the wonderful comments below.
I'm sure that Gus Seraphina and Ulua are really really solid people who appreciate those and every time you don't do that. They just lose the hit point So it's all on you Bye. Bye. Okay, bye!
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