The Case of the Danger in the Dungeon
Download MP3Welcome adventurers to Probability of Demise, the podcast where critical fumbles meet critical facepalms. Join us as we delve into the darkest dungeons, slay the stupidest gremlins, and roll enough ones to make a beholder weep. Forget epic storylines and heroic deeds. Here we celebrate the chaotic beauty of bad roles, questionable decisions, and characters with more charisma than sense.
We'll be your dungeon masters of disappointment, guiding you through campaigns where the only guaranteed treasure is a mountain of laughter, and maybe some psychic scarring. So grab your nat 1 dice, strap on your anxiety helmets, and prepare to witness the glorious trainwreck that is our D& D journey.
Because, in the end, it's Even if your character dies face first into a pile of pudding, at least you'll have the Dice God's permission to laugh your ass off.
Oh, not you.
Sorry. Well, and with that you apparently you should not move away from this channel before hitting subscribe. And if you don't not do that, then you are not maybe that bad, terrible thing. You maybe shouldn't not do hit the bell icon and other things like that. So welcome to
stepping out a message for the one to three live viewers.
We get. Not you. You know what?
Not you. No, that was, no, that was the Nat one that I just rolled when I was rolling out my D20s, so.
So this is going to be an epic session. Everybody, welcome. We are so excited to have you because today we watch the end of Ulua. Ha ha ha ha
ha. Birthday.
Hello, all. Welcome.
Welcome. Welcome. Today. Once again, we have a wonderful word brought to you by the D100 that Jason gave me. Yay! Today we have rolled and we rolled a 66. Uh, and that word is, is analy. And when you use it in a nce, it, you could use it such as the museum's exhibition. There we go. I said it the museum's exhibition displayed a analy of ancient artifacts.
I didn't tell you what it meant. I'm doing really good today, guys. So, if you can't guess what that word means by my lovely sentence, it means it is a formal word that refers to a group or collection that is impressive, either because of its size or because of what it, like, what it includes, you know, like whether the things are valuable or they're really rare, or it's just a lot of, you know, safety pins.
I don't know.
How do you spell this word?
Silent P. A N O P L Y.
Ooh! The P's supposed to be silent?
That's how I was taught to pronounce it by, um, Webster. The Webster Dictionary.
Cool, I think I've just used it as Panoply.
Dictionary. com is saying, Dictionary. com is saying Panoply.
Yeah, I have it spelled out as Panoply, but if you listen to it, it says Anoply.
So folks listening at home, tell us in the comments which way you think it should be said.
You have left the glittering echoes of Celia's sun trees. Those have faded to be replaced by the muted hum of the Wolf's Den Tavern just across from the, uh, location that you're interested in investigating. The, the, uh, Ascended Temple that was bricked up.
I don't know how long it's been. That's going to be up to our players to share with us. They've been investigating and, uh, lying in wait and learning more about what's going on around this temple. Gus, the ever present shadow in there is nursing a mug of something suspiciously opaque, I'm sure. His brow probably furrowed in concentration across from him, Ulua, her fingers idly caressing the strings of a lute, possibly maybe feigning or truly lost in melody only she can hear, and then at a nearby table, um, shrouded in a cloak of miscellaneous gears and baubles sits Seraphina, her eyes scanning all of the little bits and bobs that she has as you've been Staking out this location in anticipation of entering.
The opulent facade of the charity event is over and has revealed such a panoply, of course, beneath. The death of Grand's brand was no mere accident and it looks like a tangled web of corruption and sinister plots whispers in. to your investigation, which has led you down a path of unsettling truths, and now a temple, who, rumor has it, sits over a forgotten temple.
And a location which, from which, a virulent substance has been peddled as a cure, all the while fostering a terrible addiction, Wyvern's Venom. Days have blend to nights, or it could just be the single day that things are going into, as you've delved into all the information and lore about this location and using your resources.
Gus, Network of Informants. unearthing whatever whispers of hidden information might be useful. Ulua, your music, a bridge to connecting with others and finding out and connecting and discovering more information. And Seraphina, you know, digging in deeper through your brother's records about anything that might be connecting these pieces.
Tonight, under the dim glow of the tavern lanterns, you're poised to act. The pieces lay scattered before you, and I would just love to hear, as the time for Whispers and Shadows is over, what you are planning to do in order to breach the Temple's Forgotten Halls, and what sort of things you may have been doing over whatever period of time you feel it should be for this, our next little stage to occur.
A real dungeon crawl. Dun dun
I am Fair to say I've had a short rest by this point just like
long rest long rest. Y'all long rested
if nothing else you would have at least taken the night off. Even if you're doing this right the morning after You would have at least taken the night off It could have been that you've invested a couple of weeks into staking things out in which case I would like to have you roll for various things you might have been up to But
I think only because I talked at the party to Like, I charmed Amara's minions and they talked to me all about the stuff.
Like, I think I would want to go first thing in the morning before they, like, moved anything or destroyed any evidence after they maybe realized that I'm not their friend.
Alright. Ulua, Seraphina, are you in, uh, Congruence with this decision. I can just
go by myself. That always works out really well for me at these temples.
I haven't put on that shirt yet, but if I need to, I will.
I have it right there. I'm ready. You should hold it up. If you would like to buy some of our merch, probabilityofdemise. com, you'll find the shirt I'm talking about. I got it in green. Uh, so. What are you thinking? The three of you, I've placed you at this tavern, that could just be a jumping off point, but you could be anywhere, um.
You can see the bricked up entrances.
Um, is there any sort of like, is there anybody else watching the place? Like, uh, even the city watch patrolling, or anybody noticeable?
Roll a perception check.
Oh, here we go. Away we go!
Okay. Da da da da! 17.
17. Um, Your casual glance is about as you sit here possibly strumming your instrument, um, Maybe keeping up a little bit of a facade of casual observation. You can make out the people who are obviously paying attention. There are a small encampment of people who've been protesting what occurred here still.
They're camped outside of what would have been the main gate if it wasn't currently covered in bricks. It's amazing how quickly bricks could be thrown up in an entranceway and mortared into place. It's kind of strange. You also make out that there are a couple of individuals that are a bit more surreptitious in their observation of the space.
No one in the location you're currently in is currently giving it much attention, uh, but the patrols in this area seem much more frequent than is the norm, even for the Ascended Temple District. And those patrols that are coming through are not patrols of the Ascended, they are patrols of the watch itself.
Anybody I know?
Why don't you just go ahead and roll a, uh, are you using any of those, um, any of your bucket of contacts that you still have a couple of,
um, for inspirations, I think I've used all my inspirations. So you're talking about, or no,
um, in the beginning of, uh, before we started this whole thing, I gave you a few contacts that you have within the watch that you could utilize at some point and say like, Hey, I know this person on there.
Did you? I know a guy. Um, sure, I'll do that. I don't think I've ever used one, so.
You've used one. I just wasn't sure if you remember you have those. Um, I think you had a total of three.
Okay. Um, I'll use that. I'll say, like, Let's say that there's another, like, old timer that's not yet retired that, like, runs the patrols.
Like, he's the guy in charge of patrols. And, um.
Although if he's in charge, he probably would not be out here unless it's felt like it's important enough that it needs like a supervisor on the ground, but, um, Maybe what I'll do is I'll go grab one of the He's there
because you've, you've used the I know a guy situation. And for whatever that means, that means it is that important.
That, that he is checking in on the patrols coming by occasionally and you do see him, uh, uh, Acting as a mentor, one of his favorite things, and, um, going along with one of the patrols that passes through and you recognize and catch his eye. If you intend to get his attention. Yeah,
I'm gonna, as he walks by, I'm gonna raise my glass to him.
Uh, hey, hello. Yowen, just continue and, um, keep in mind what we talked about. Head on a swivel. Alright, you got this. He pats the guards, the pair of guards people that he was, uh, Um, escorting more or less orienting them to, to the, the patrol situation. And, uh, he turns into where you're sitting and it's, ah, you got a drink for me.
I haven't seen you around in a while.
I'll just like hold up a finger to the bartender and like point at my drink for another one for him.
And you've been staked out here. It's, it's, uh, you, you, you came over in the morning, as you said, um, not everybody's a day drinker, not everybody's a morning drinker, but.
When they're there, they pay well, so the staff here are more than happy to refill
your beverage. I really created a name generator to name this guy, and his name is Maximo.
It's a good one.
So Maximo is, uh, settles in, waiting for a beverage, but happy to talk with you. Uh, excited to see an old face, old friendly face.
How are, how are things? On the job these days.
Ah, it's just Um Stay, like I told you, stay out of the politics. I know you didn't stay out of the politics. But if you stay out of the politics, keep your head down. Uh, things go I got kids. What can I say?
Fair enough. It's not all bad, I just Zigged when I should have zagged, I guess.
Oh yeah, I heard you're retired.
Mm hmm. I do some painting now. It's, uh Painting? Painting, yeah. It's, it's terrible. You should see it. It's awful.
I bet. I mean, no offense. I'm sure. I like it. You've got an audience.
no, no. Pays the
bills? Oh, no, I don't get paid for it at all. I live on my pension. I got my full pension.
Oh, well, at least your politicking rankled you that. I can't say that that's a terrible situation for you. Um, I heard it's pretty sparse, but a decent one if you're living frugally.
I've also been, uh, picking up a little investigative work here and there.
Ah, well, don't let them catch wind of that, you know.
They'll find some reason to dock your pension if they know what you're doing. But, I, totally, totally agree. I would be really curious. I mean, my retirement's not until the kid gets out of the house, but at some point I would be really interested in sniggling in on what you've got.
Sure, sure, absolutely. I have.
Yeah. I have a friend, um, we're all here, right? All three of us?
Yeah, you're all
close by. This is my friend, Seraphina. Seraphina
kind of needed her own table to just fill it with the random knickknacks and gadgets she's got. Okay, I'll point over to
her, Seraphina, and her bits and bobbles. Like, uh, this actually is my friend.
There's a Fina here who owns a detective agency, so I've been assisting her a little bit. Well, her brother owns it, and she operates it right now.
Oh, so you're working for her? For her brother? Close enough.
Well, do you remember, uh
She's a confusing young miss, isn't she?
Do you remember Dickie Beat? Right.
Bit of a high profile P. I. type.
Picks all the big cases. Oh yeah, he was always into something. I've heard he's made it big, uh, in the last, gosh, what has it been, 20 years?
Yes, yes, he, uh, he's been throwing a little work our way. So, we're looking into some things for him. Good deal, good deal, good deal.
Actually, um, we would love to get in there and just take a look around. Good deal. For a case that we're working on. Not the only one.
Uh, definitely not the only one. We can't seem to figure out a way in. Uh,
Hmm. If, uh, If we can figure out a way in, would you mind if we took a look around?
If you find your way in, and he kind of puts his hand to his nose, and happened to share the information afterwards, you know, I
think, uh, that could be arranged.
I would appreciate it.
How, um,
How surreptitious do we have to be about finding a way in?
He looks between the two of you. And I would like for either Gus as the friend or Ulua as the person asking this most recent question. To roll a persuasion check with advantage.
Gus as the friend or Ulua as the face? What's your persuasion bonus, Riz?
Uh, nine.
Yeah, you go for it then. I only got four.
Yeah, well, my rolls aren't always so dependable. Um, did you say with advantage or no? Mm hmm. Okay, sorry.
Ooh, 26. Okay.
Are you looking for a little bit of distraction in the streets? Maybe the patrols are off schedule a little bit here?
I mean, I, I just, I, you know, if, if you don't want us, if you don't want it to be known that someone is trying to get in, that's all I'm, I'm just trying to gauge what kind of leeway we have here.
I have learned since. It's my dear friend, Cassandra Schniffle's departure, that justice occurs in many different and interesting ways, and if you can get me in, I can conduct an investigation that has long been stalled.
I just
can't be seen to be abusing my powers. Of course. I could have the lads run a few exercises, check out some of the other temples in the area. Make sure everything's safe and secure for a length of time, such as might be suggested by a bard needing to
busk on the street and he's gesturing towards your musical instrument, or a street magician as he kind of looks askance at Seraphina,
or a tinkerer selling her wares.
Or just. An old man looking at a broken ass temple.
And he gestures directly at your beverage while he starts sipping at the one you've, that's been, that's arrived that you've provided.
Maybe, let's, can we say like, 30 minutes?
Was that too
long? No,
I would like. No, no, no.
No, no, no,
no, man.
No, no, no. You, uh, of the twirly hair situation. You're gonna stick in my memory banks, so you may wanna say what you need to say.
Well, I,
I, I, was,
nothing, nevermind. I'm ready to go.
Like gathering up all my things. Are you sure you want
this one with you?
Yeah, she's just, she's just in her head in, in this moment. She's,
oh. She's one of those, uh. Thinkers. Yes. I guess yes.
You and I more, we're more doers. She's the, she's the brains of this operation.
Well brains, and he reaches out a hand, and just like, tries to tussle your hair, but then he gets nervous about all the horns, and he just kind of pulls back.
You can see that his intention was to tussle your hair, but you can also see that he's a little intimidated by all the sharp points. I
think Maximo might be Italian. I just looked at the full name in the generator. It says Maximo Bernasconi.
Yeah, sounds like he could be Italian.
Alluia, you were asking a direct question of the matrix here?
Yes. Um, can you just describe, so you said that there's like a gate that's been bricked up. Um, so are we looking at like a courtyard with a building inner? I'm just trying to understand. what it is that we're looking at that we're trying to gain entry to.
Um, you're looking at as if somehow they just fully bricked the front of this, uh, entryway. Okay. Um, and.
Are we thinking like the, the post office by, by Penn Station kind of temple kind of thing with columns?
It is a very tall building. There, there were windows. You can see that every window you've looked at appears to be bricked up.
Lots of pigeons. Oh, sorry. I'm sure that there's lots of local fowl that have fowled the space. Fantastic. I'm gonna,
If there aren't fowl in evidence, there's the fowl droppings. I'm gonna
send Jess a picture so that she knows the My file is too powerful.
Well, you'll you'll get to see it in a second if you could decide what you're going to do.
okay. I'll go set up a little situation. We're gonna have to run some patrols.
Let me know. Don't don't go too easy on those on those young bucks out there.
Oh, yes. Like to keep them running around. We might do laps of the district. Bet they can't keep
up with this little man. Hmm,
you know, one of my favorites from back in the day.
So yeah, he stands up and he takes his tankard with him, sipping it as he goes and just kind of hunting out his people, but for the next half hour you have his assurances that there shall be no patrols through this area.
Okay, I'm gonna slam my beer, or ale, whatever I was drinking. If there's anything left of his I might slam that too.
And then go
He took it with, didn't he?
Oh, did he? Okay. He
full on
took it. I hope he brings that back.
I'll, uh, leave a little tip at the bar to cover the cost of the glass he just stole. They do call the cops. I'm sure
it's appreciated by the Wolf's Den.
But, uh, yeah, then I'm just going to go like, look at the front of the building and, um, maybe go like walk to the one side, look down the side, walk to the other side, look down the side, like kind of looking for alternate ways that I might be able to get in windows or
Yeah. As you look around at first glance, you can see that everything is bricked up and It's increasingly peculiar, because there's no way to immediately brick up an entire temple. You can see the outline of way too many windows, way too many entranceways, and, um, on one of the sides of the main entrance area you can also see that there is brick over an area where at one point there must have been a secondary entrance.
And drawing closer to that just looks really out of place that this is set up the way that it is. Could I have you roll an intelligence saving throw?
With a 16, definitely. You, you're putting the pieces together. You're doing the math here. An illusionist, creating all sorts of invisibility spells at the party. Okay. Various Things that you've experienced throughout the hunt for these people and the disappearance of the one individual on the rooftop as they just like seemingly disappeared into thin air it adds up to a picture of somebody's mucking around with things and as you have that kind of mathematical understanding you you look at this little side entrance way and you realize it's just an illusion there's no bricks there
and you still see the faint haze of the bricks But you also see a wooden door as a side entry to the temple.
Aha! Follow me. I'm just gonna, like, walk through and then just confidently walk through the brick wall just because I want to look cool.
Well, there's a door still, right? You just said there's a door, not a doorway.
I mean, I would open the door as well as I go through, I guess, if I need to, but
No, no, no. This is great. So yeah, you pop in. So the three of you come to this location and you watch Gus just walk straight through bricks and you hear a wooden thump as he face plants in the door.
Uh, that didn't look
as cool as I thought it would.
The illusion is shattered for both you, Ulua, and you, Seraphina, and you can see that just beyond this haze of brick is the door. Um. The
This little side garden. Um, Gus.
I would like to try the door and see if it is unlocked. Because
I totally appreciate this. And unfortunately, the door is not unlocked.
But, a quick glance, and with your skill set, you can tell that it's a conventional, like, conventionally locked door. Um, although in this case there could be additional magic that would be invisible to you in this moment.
I would like to cast Detect Magic.
Reveal. The door is truly conventional and you can tell that there's a pulsing of magic behind the door and within the temple itself.
Uh, but here you realize that this door probably operated as It is the layman's entrance, or the entrance through which priests might enter before the congregation would have arrived. It is a side entrance and a way for them to, um, go through easily and therefore no magical lock is involved.
I'm just going to turn to them.
You guys follow me, right?
I can help.
Yeah, I was going to turn and say, can either of you pick a lock?
Me! I can. I can do that. Uh, me. Me, me, me. My brother taught me.
I, I, I choose you then. I love it. I choose you, Seraphina Koo. Seraphina
I do a weird little like, Eee ya ha! Saunter up.
Ulua thinks it's cute.
A momentary telepathy that happens where the telepathetic message is sent and of course Ulua's interest in the cute lands Seraphina at disadvantage for a lockpicking. No, I'm kidding. You have proficiency in lockpicking, Seraphina, so that means you get to add all those crazy bonuses to it. You're gonna use, um, your sleight of hand, I'm guessing?
To finesse the lock open?
Is that in conjunction with my thieves tools?
You would need your thieves tools to unlock it, but using the sleight of hand number is the same as what I think you have in terms of proficiency with thieves tools. That was my math.
Understood. Yeah, then yes. Yes.
I was trying to figure out what number would be easiest for you that's already in your list.
Because I know you have proficiency in Thieves Tool, and I believe you have proficiency in Sleight of Hand. Yes? No?
Proficiency in Dang it. Yes. Yes.
Okay, so go ahead and roll that d20. Roll a nat 1 and watch as Ulua is strung up by her petards due to a trap going off. No, I'm kidding. Hey, I joke.
On the 7th, so Hehe,
Click, it easily opens, and you come into the entryway, which is a strange marble, uh, space filled with planters, and you are looking through another hazy brick wall on your left to see the street beyond, and that is the main entrance, normally. Uh, straight ahead of you is a statue, uh, with, let's just say that liberties were taken with the artistic depiction of the ascended people, because it was a pair of people that were represented here.
Uh, and these two women standing underneath a planter are these, um, more than beautific versions of the, uh, ascended person that represents this space. Moving forward down the space a little bit, you come to the second set of doors. You can see beyond them, this green haze is kind of spilling forth. It looks fairly virulent and troublesome, but you can make out some features of the temple beyond.
Um, but even just being that close, a bit of a sniff, and you can detect a maliferous odor.
I don't like the smell of that.
hang on. Do we see that green haze, or is that just representing the Moliparous Utter?
It is
visible. Okay. That looks like something we don't want to breathe.
Can I Hang on, let me see if this
As you pause here, in this moment, it's like Galuh is thinking about what she might be able to do or perform, and others are considering the situation.
Visibility within beyond the door like here where you're at right now. It's thin it's not pouring forth It's only a trickle here and it's not painful But you can see that the tendrils of the fog is swirling and shifting like phantasmagoric limbs and each wisp seems to writhe with um malevolent energy, but off in the distance you can make out these little shiny points of light and they Seem to be pouring forth from a source Uh And they themselves banish a bit of the fog, but maybe it's just their light that's creating that sense, and they're too far away to be interacted with at this point.
While everyone's thinking and looking, can I go look a little closer at the statues of the ladies?
Um, I would like to both look at them for two reasons. One, in a, uh, You know, like, little kid at the museum for the first time, when you see naked sculptures, and you're just like, boobs. Um, but also because, uh, I wanted to, like, see if there's anything like, I don't know, like a switch, or like, if this was used to hide anything, something like that.
Or if it's just pretty statues.
Roll an investigation check.
Not good.
Eighteen. Thank you, investigation.
Um, with an eighteen, the,
of course the two women, their stance is one of serenity, their hands are holding planters with some green plant spilling forth from that, but on closer inspection. Uh, you can see that these bowls with the plants in them are offering bowls, and they're both not overflowing, but there's a few coins in them.
There's some money within, mixed in with the plant matter. Um, and,
And just to clarify for my brain, This is a temple. for living people who are ascended, right? This is not two gods. Yeah, these are
people who are attempting to feign like they are gods. They've reached a semi immortality, but they're not truly at the level of gods. This is kind of the, the hubris of the ascended is that they are gods and they're going to replace them.
I'm going to, um, casually pick up every single coin and be like, this one's cause you made my dad sick. As you reach out to
touch the first coin, you are delivered a small jolt as energy passes through and leaves your fingers tingling. You
are thwarted in your initial attempt.
I am, I'm gonna point at them angrily and then I'm gonna do something. I would like to cast identify.
You have to touch to cast Identify, so you get shocked again, and now you're going to lose five hit points. As you cast that Identify, you do discover something. You can see that it's made of smooth obsidian like stone that seems to absorb rather than reflect light, which gives it that strange ethereal shaping and indistinction of the forms and figures.
You can also see that the Bulls themselves that hold the offerings are actually illusory. It's like a tip jar, um, and it's been sprinkled with some fake gems or coins. I mean, to encourage people to toss in a few more points. Um, you are also able to note, uh, due to, due to the mechanism of identify They are some sort of vessel for something.
They hold something. They're a container. Um, what it contains is not part of the Identify spell. It's just the Identify spell does let you know that this is a container. It's like if you touched a box, it would tell you, Box! A. K. A. Container. Um, and, um, you also are aware that there is something about the bulls that could be a curse.
Um, And normally your, your identifier wouldn't let you know if something is cursed or not, but there is something that's either a curse or a blessing associated with producing something for the offering bowls themselves.
I just give it a little kick and I go back to the others. And as I'm walking back, I go As you
get another shock, which is four points of electric damage.
How many? Are you alright? I'm alright.
You're at 9 points of electric damage so far. I got
a little shitty shits or lying shits.
I don't know what that was, but okay. Um, I'm gonna hold up my staff and cast light on the end of my staff. And then hold it up to this fog to see if it does anything since it seemed to be dimmer around the, or not going near the light in that other situation.
Yeah, you. That's awesome. You cast light and some of the fog seems to, and you can't tell if it's the translucency of fog within a light source, although fog generally reflects and seems thicker when there's more light, or truly an impact of the light, but the fog seems to curl away and around from the light.
It does not visibly at least seem to want anything to do with the light. So from what you can see, the light actually causes a bit of dispersal of the fog. A bubble of protection, if you will.
And Seraphina did walk through the fog to the statue and back without any ill effects, right?
Yeah. In this, in this little entryway area, the fog is very thin.
It's like dissipated. Okay. Yeah.
You can just tell that it's much thicker beyond the, um, the ironworks of the main gateway here. So that's If I look
through Sorry.
No, no,
Go ahead.
Let's see if I look through this little. With the two little circles there, if I put my eyes up to those, can I see where the fog is coming from?
I love the picture of Gesund and Schniffle just coming up.
Maybe jumping a little? I don't know how tall they are. Let me see if
I can And this is what Gesund and Schniffle through the two eye holes can see. Um, In the interior, you can make out that there's pews. They're a little dark and hard to see. Um, there's these little sources of light off in the distance that seem to be moving around.
You can see a pulpit, um, at the far end. The top suspended from the ceiling, the bottom coming up from the floor. Uh, you can also make out that there's alcoves to the left and right. Probably to the right just because of geometry in architecture, but you can definitely see the ones to the left through this peephole.
Um, and as you're looking through, you can tell that, um, each nook contains a variety of objects. Um, and especially from this one, you sense that those little glowing lights are coming out of an alcove that you can't quite make out, but they kind of seem to flow in and out of an alcove. alcove that that is just to the left of the pulpit.
It's the corner left.
And do I, sorry just, do I know of, with my history of coming here, with my dad, does it lend my, lend me to, you know, knowing different entrances or like, different routes or anything?
You weren't here with your father in the initial thing. You came here post your brother disappearing to continue picking up the prescription, which they deliver at this main entrance area.
Uh, they actually deliver it just outside the doors. There was always a line. There was a little stand set up outside. Um, they, they didn't let anyone but worshipers of the ascended within the doors.
Where did I go when I came here? Cause I went to like a back room with a book.
Yeah, um, you went in and you actually, from your memory, probably would remember that there's a staircase just to the right of this door.
And they had you go up the stairs to a series of rooms and venues where the information you gathered was located at.
Um, if I push this door, does it just open or is it locked?
You push the door, and it creaks open. Um,
I would like to look for traps.
Okay, go ahead and roll your investigation check.
Let's see. That is a nine, no ten. I do math.
The fog itself really obscures a lot. And you're not certain of the footing here. Wisdom or common sense would tell you that if this was a public space, it's unlikely to be a trapped space.
The brick walls on the outside, that's a last minute illusory casting situation. That is not a well thought out plotted traps situation. This was abandonment in a hurry, and as you witnessed yesterday evening, the sky citadel that you were in, What you'd think is associated with this temple was taking off from Overton.
They were abandoning. So whatever the tears of alarm that they finally reached with this last situation, they've abandoned this temple and you're not certain if there's anything here, at this level at least, that would be considered a trap, but then again, you could be wrong. And as you're kind of checking things out and looking around, you do hear just behind you the tinkling of water.
Look behind me?
You look behind you and the staircase is in your way. You would have to walk around the, uh
Okay, uh, does the fog stay away from the torches as well as
It appears to eschew the torches.
I would like to walk over with my staff and the light and try to remove the torch from the stand.
Yeah, as you walk over to this side here to get to a torch, you actually see that container of water.
Um, torches being lit in a place that's supposed to be abandoned means it's probably not as abandoned as it looks. Torches burn out after a while, but you come over to this ewer of water, grab a torch, and have another source of light.
I'm gonna grab a torch and hand one to each of them, since I have my staff already.
Okay, so you all have light if you wish it.
Um, and then I'm gonna look in the water. You
look into the water and you see little electric flashes within the depths.
And I start to look around for, um, possible other routes to either what would appear to be like rooms that are essentially like off limits. For the public, so like back rooms for the priests, or stairways down to things, or like I see, I know there's stairs. You
definitely can see the stairway up. Um, as you look around this main chamber, you do see that each space has its own little, uh, setup.
Little bit and piece, and as you move further and further forward, you end up closer to those little floating lights. You see some of the statues to the two ascended, their cousin Fred, I don't know.
There is one empty chamber off to the side here that seems to lead nowhere, but it does seem to be where the majority of this fog comes from, and you can see that there's a grate in the ground. And then as you look to where the lights are spilling forth from, beyond the pulpit, you can see that there's stairs going down
and the tenor and, and, uh. Whereas the fog before was green and viscous and necrotic feeling, this is just a mist, steam, possibly, but it's cool.
I'm gonna tell them, um, be careful, somebody, somebody lit these torches. There may still be somebody here.
Can I go look at the vent where the fog is coming out?
Yeah. Um, you go ahead and you go over and look at the vent. There's not really a vent here, but I didn't have a lot of art assets left to buy. Um, and it's just spewing forth this miasmic necrotic fog, but as you get close to it, you can see the fog is kind of like peeling around your torches and your light, and it just kind of pours around behind you.
Is there like a table in here
or something? No, there is a little font. For you, it's above head height. For Ulua, let's go be Ulua for a second. Um,
can you turn around and look in the room again?
I can see that it's filled with a little bit of that same color. I'm looking, I'm looking
for something that I can set on top of the vent to block the fog from coming up.
Yeah, um, roll a perception check. See if you can spot anything useful. Eighteen.
Eighteen, cool. Um, like if you scan around the space. And you recall the little nooks you were in? Several of them had objects that could be stuck over it. Now, clearly like this little altar object wouldn't make the best cover because it has feet, but you could smash off those feet and use it to cover the vent.
Um, deeper within the space, there were various bowls of offerings and things like that that could possibly be used and could be relocated. Um, but the most interesting thing might be, you know, I don't know. You could drag a pew in there. There's a few options.
Yeah. I'll, I'll drag a pew in and flip it like on the back.
That's flat, like over the vent.
Okay. So are you just dragging it or are you like picking it up to move it? Cause if you drag it, it's going to do the,
I'll ask, uh, a Ulua to help me carry it in there.
Okay. So Ulua and you coordinate together. Um, they're heavy, but they're not ridiculous. You're able to get it moved. It's a little bit of sweat. Your armpits feel damp by the time you get it in place. Tilt it up on its side so it's truly blocking the vent and the fog is slowly dissipating as it is being stopped up and back flooding to some other location.
Poisoning someone in the basement.
Okay, um, I guess we'll, I want to look at the object on the table though. Shiny box in the front of the room with the skulls.
On the altar.
It is an altar object, some sort of object of veneration. You can see a motif of lightning bolts or electricity around it. Um, it is empty. There is nothing within it, but it looks like within it was a location to hold something. Uh, a censure, a candle, uh, there's something goes within it.
Um, I'm gonna pick up that candle to the left and put it inside of it.
cool. Could you roll a dexterity saving throw? All of you. Oops. Oops. I touched it again. Ooh. It's a magical trap.
And I
don't think it hurt that bad. 25. 25.
You successfully dodged, you're going to take half damage.
Oops, I killed my party again with the trap.
You barely dodged out of the way and you're going to take half damage. Uh, Jess, what did you get? Eighteen. Eighteen. So you also dodged out of the way. Um, as you place it within an electric surge.
What? You said half damage,
but you didn't say how much it was. Uh,
I'm going to. Oh, okay, sorry. An electric surge emanates from it, making a thunderous clapping noise. Setting your hair into all directions as you all take individually seven points of electric damage.
Oops. Ow. Halved, because you're just a calf damage.
Oh. That is half, or we need to take half of that?
Half of that, so you'll take four.
Oh, my bad.
Look, uh, sorry. Having done this, the entire space hums with energy, and the little lights start zipping down the, um, stairs down, down to below, um, whatever this is, having disturbed. It, you, you get the sense that unkept, magic is leaking all about and whatever you just did restored some sort of ward or something like that.
And those little magical lights have have darted back into whatever is their safe haven. And you even get the sense that that action you just did probably would have stopped the fog.
I just go ahead and like lift up the pew really quick and just like peek under it to see if the fog is still coming out?
Sure. Uh, yeah. You can see that the fog is lifted.
Hey, the fog stopped.
Slow mode, zooming back into our world here. Oh
my god, so cool. I
guess we go downstairs?
Well, our options are up or down.
Is there anything on the altar? There's a
couple of skulls. I mean, there's literally what you see here.
I mean, on the pew, or the, uh, the pulpit.
I do, I haven't been going to church in many years.
I forget words.
You feel pretty impressive standing up here. You're taller than you've ever been before, Gus Anderson.
It is a pulpit. And you are the lord of this room right now. Cool. Um. You survey your subjects of no one.
Hm? I'll sit down for him. Pretend like I'm listening.
You can see straight in his nostrils he's serving a pie. You can see straight Ascended are stupid and not real gods. And
the room collapses on you and eats your soul.
Alright, so you're going to go downstairs y'all?
Um, I do want to go up stairs to where that book was. Like Sheriffine, I want to show you the book that said your brother was here last before he disappeared.
Yeah, and using video game logic, you go upstairs, because there is nothing particularly interesting up there, I decided not to map it out.
Uh, you go upstairs and you can make out the various rooms and offices that were used to manage the space. Larissa, are you going up with them, or are you doing something else? Ulua.
Um, I, I will stay downstairs, but just mostly to keep an eye out, keep an ear to the ground and see if, see if I hear anything.
Uh, since we, since Gus decided to, to announce our presence. Sorry, which check?
Uh, perception
This is going to be like where I was upstairs with the bat and then you guys had a whole combat encounter I couldn't get to.
Well, I'm upstairs with you.
Battles the undead hordes alone.
Well, I rolled two things that were cocked and then I rolled the natural one, so.
You hear nothing. You don't even hear your friends upstairs. You do get distracted because despite the miasmic fog being lifted, there's still a pale white fog or steam percolating from that corner where the downstairs is.
Because there's a spa in the basement. This and it are all rich.
Um, Gesunden Schniffel and Seraphina, you arrive in the location where, uh, Gus was before.
Very little seems misplaced or out of place. The same books are there. I'm
just going to like open the book and like flip through and find the page where like the day her brother went missing and show her that he was here like right before.
Yeah, so now Seraphina you have additional evidence of your brother's whereabouts on the day he went missing.
He did come here before disappearing.
Amazing. Uh, I want to like keep flipping through the pages and then look up to Gus and just be like, this is amazing. Thank you so much.
You're welcome. You could probably take that book if you want to.
How big is the book? Is it a big book? Little book?
It's thick. Like a ledger?
Like a
It's like I'd say if you imagine those accordion folders. You can stick paper in to temporarily sort, except it's, it's that, but it's not been sorted very well, and it's thick.
I'll like, take my bag of holding, just like, stretch it over, and be like, here. Or just put it in there for now.
Just hold it up.
in. Make sure you write that down into your bag of holding so you don't forget. And
you come back downstairs, um, unless you're, you know. Um, Ulua is, uh, Watching the fog, and so she doesn't quite hear you when you all come up.
When that one's confirmed.
She appears to be very much focused on that corner over there. So it's a little bit of a surprise when Gus and Seraphina show up at your side.
there. A little startled.
Welcome back. Thank you. Anything interesting?
Uh, we got the ledger book that Has evidence that, uh, God, what is his name? I can never remember your brother's name.
Uh, evidence that Rodex was here, uh, just shortly before he disappeared.
I see.
Shall we check out the basement?
Nowhere else to go that I can see.
We can go downstairs. You come to an area where the, uh, There's a further depth that could be explored, but you can see the stairs are crumbled. Um, and it looks a little precarious to just climb down there. There is a nice, solid looking door right in front of you. Very friendly. It looks like the skull motif continues on.
Like a big, shiny door with a skull on it. Nothing bad could possibly be behind that.
There's never anything nefarious behind a skull.
I would like to rub the skull's head, like, Buddha belly.
Thank you. Oh no. Could you, all three, roll a dexterity saving throw?
Should've wore my rubber boots to this freakin temple.
I just love that I just keep touching things. Eleven. Eleven! He's going to get their hands tied behind their back.
Look, just because I know not to touch it doesn't mean that Seraphina, who likes shiny things, knows not to touch it.
Gus got an 11. 18.
Dexterity. Okay.
Charity, oh no, a 13.
Gus and Seraphina, you both take 12 points of damage. Aloy, you take 6 points of damage. It is electrical, so if you have any reduction in that, go ahead and apply that. Or weakness, double it, whatever you do. But the moment you touch it, the door swings open, revealing a hidden secondary room of worship.
I'm gonna say, I'm not touching anything else. But I got the door open, and I walk in. Lesson
learned. You walk in, and a net scoops you up. As you walk in, I need you, and anybody who chooses to save you, to roll for initiative.
It's a dungeon! You keep touching things and just walking into things!
It's so fun! I thought there'd be a
trap that I could try to dodge.
Oh my
I rolled an eight, . I rolled a six. But my , I would just like to say
that I am literally just along for this ride. I haven't done shit and y'all keep fucking me up. . You are the best dungeon crawlers ever. I thought was gonna be a trap.
Lou was gonna die in this encounter and she didn't do anything at all. We just kept touching things and shocking her to death.
Truly 17. So
Kes got eight.
Seraphina got an 18. I suspect Ulua got a nat 20.
Ulua got a what?
Nat 20. Uh, My initiative is 4, so 24.
So, Ulua, you are the only one not surprised Not that you would be, by what happens next. Seraphina walks in through the door that she just set off in a little electric shock for everybody. And you, you, you, you want to utter, but she just walks straight through without uttering a word.
Looking or anything you want to utter a watch out as you witness a giant blue ooze
Onto her body and begin to try to electrocute her It got a surprise on her, but it does not have a surprise on you. So I think Ulua is You get the opportunity to try to do something, uh, using your action, uh, bonus action and movement before it gets to do its thing.
For the record, I didn't think an attack would happen in the first room of the dungeon.
It's a dungeon. With
lots of rooms! I didn't think it'd be the first one. I thought like, swords were gonna swing down or something. Well
They did. Just in the form of ooze.
Alright, um
Where's our ooze when you need it?
As a free action, I'm gonna kind of, uh, stick my arm out and stop Gus from walking in for a hot second. And I, like, you know, like a mom, mom car seatbelt gesture kind of thing. Larissa's
characters are just her at the day.
You know what?
Larissa mom seatbelts me every time she slows down a car.
Anyways, uh, and I am going to cast, uh, Nathair as a mischief.
Oh, cool.
Um, so let me roll that d4.
Roll that beautiful d4.
Uh, that is a one. So, uh. The smell of apple pie fills the air, and each creature in the cube must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you until the start of your next turn.
Okay, charm requires intelligence. Okay. This ooze, which is good news, maybe, does not have any intelligence. Um. So I believe that while it's not impacted by that aspect of the apples, um,
It does smell good.
It does. It definitely smells good. And on your next turn, you'll be able to reroll the random insanity that it does, which I love. This is one of my favorite spells. I'm so glad that they added it. It's like a crazy, ridiculous spell. Um, so yeah, you, you have
Unfortunately, that also means that Seraphina also has to roll a saving throw.
like she's not already charmed by it.
I'm already charmed.
No, it says each creature in the cube must succeed.
Oh, it doesn't say of your choice? No. It doesn't say of your choice? No. Will Seraphina roll a good card?
Nothing will change, it's fine. Charmed or not, she'll behave exactly the
same. Maybe she'll listen to me more, I don't know.
So wait, I roll a That's a really open question.
Is this a
Will she listen to you more?
Is this a I don't know what this is. What was it?
Wisdom saving throw? No, wisdom saving throw. What was it?
Unnatural 20.
Unnatural? But
nothing changes, and I still swoon when
see you. She smells like apple pie. She smells so good.
Strangely, you can smell the apple pie through the ooze that is covering you.
Um, I mean, I have a whole thing here because Ooze has a false appearance thing. I have it be motionless and you were going to have to do a perception check. No, you just walked right in.
SI just trying to, I mean, that's just trying to make your job easier. Rick.
I, I appreciate it. We spend the whole week
planning. We just wanted to give you a little break. You know, I'm
taste for death right now.
I'm gonna take a step back, back from like, outside, at least five feet away from it. But that I still have like a clear line of sight.
I are there, there, I think she's right
at the doorway where this ooze has onto her. Okay.
So she's like basically just inside.
Yeah, she's just inside, but she's maybe made it like five, ten feet in at most before it's onto her. And so, yes, you can easily keep the line of sight. The only way you would lose the line of sight is if you fell into the open stairwell to your left.
Um, or if you, uh, were walking up the stairway.
Okay, um, then I guess I would like to use my movement, um, to just kind of like then sneak in, uh, through the doorway, but as a bonus action, can I like be looking up for more ooze?
Okay, so it won't be a bonus action necessarily, but I'll let you roll a perception check.
Okay. And
That's another natural 20.
You can make out that there are several features on the ceiling that are clearly attempting to be, um, Sneaky. Hanging gargoyles and such. But You know that because there's a little bit of sloughing of the gargoyle face in an unnatural way that there's additional oozes at the ceiling.
You know that gargoyles are not made of jello.
Yes, exactly. And you know that stepping underneath one would be an invitation for it to fall upon you. Um, because it's a natural 20, I'll say that you probably also are able to do, to do so that you would truly have to stand under it for it to trigger its attack.
Okay. So I would just like to kind of step in like just inside and like put my back to the walls so that I can see. Yeah. Very like, cronk like, I was thinking
about Link. I don't remember which version of the Legend of Zelda is one, but the one where you turn into a paper thin.
Mm. The 2D to
3D world. Yeah.
Charming. Yes. If you're able to kind of like skirt.
Yep. Yeah. But I'm, I'm, I'm, uh, since I can't do anything more with that right now, I'm keeping an eye on the other ones just to make sure they don't move.
Uh, so, that's your turn? Mmm, yep. Um, Seraphina, you are engulfed in this creature, and you've recently had experiences with oozy things covering you.
Um, this is not It's as friendly a feel as it had been before. And as you're inside of this, you feel your skin start to burn as acid works its way into your pores. It is the worst facial peel you have ever had. And because you're within it, you're automatically going to get hit. You're going to take 2d6 acid damage, which is going
be the Um, you can't take the bludgeoning damage because it can't smash through itself.
So, you're just taking the acid damage. Um, you do have serious concern that your non magical equipment may be taking damage as well.
So, you're going to take six points of acid damage.
Your beautiful wild hair is getting a trim that might not be good. It is now your turn.
It's my turn. Um, am I able to try to get out? I've never fought an ooze. Swim out? You've lived inside
of an ooze for a little bit. You've had a few ooze instances recently, I feel like.
I didn't fight it. I'd like to try to swim out.
That is my option.
Okay, um, so let's go ahead and call this a strength check because you're trying to use a physical skill to get out of it. Um, so you could use athletics to try to swim out of it. What type of, oh, wait till you roll to find out what you're doing.
Uh, the breaststroke is what I'm doing.
Come on, baby, I gotta get out of the zoos. God. Four.
You tried to do the breaststroke, but it looks more like a doggie paddle and it seems like you're getting deeper and deeper within it, even though you are trying to paddle your way out of it. Um, that'll take your action.
Your movement is not available to you. Do you have a bonus action you'd like to use?
I'm, I'm a, I'm a look. No, I have nothing.
I just start to cry and Bubbles come out of my nose. I'm sobbing.
And because it's an ooze, they don't actually bubble, they just all stick out there, so it looks like you have snot bubbles all over your face. Um. Great! So, that takes us to Gus. What are you going to do?
I have a question. Yes? Where is Wubble?
Wubble was left at home. Yeah, you left Wubble. No, he's in your bag.
Is he in my bag? If you left him in your bag, he's dead at this point.
Not in my bag of holding. No, you wanted to put him in the bag and I you stopped me from putting
him in the bag of holding. Yeah. For some reason I thought he was in the urn on Seraphina's belt. But maybe I'm wrong.
Oh yeah!
Ooze on ooze
that right? I thought you had him because I handed him to you when we were taking your father out of the building because he was like your family inheritance. Yeah, I
totally forgot about that. Can you check up
y'all's inventory so I have to trust you to know where your inventory
So what I'm gonna do He's on
to her, following the same path she followed, hoping no other oozes drop on my head, and rip the top off of Wubble's urn.
But he's in the he's in the ooze with me.
So I will, like, if I have to jam my hands into the ooze to do it, I will, but I'm gonna let Wubble out. Okay,
you're definitely going to have to stick your hand in, so you're going to take the passive, uh, four points of acid damage as you stick your hand in, and you rip off Wubble's lid, I guess, for lack of a better term.
And Wubble is now in the fray.
Uh, Seraphina, since he's on your belt, roll a d20.
Okay. I don't want this stupid die anymore.
What was the one that was doing so well for me the other day? Let's
see what Wubble looks like in this moment.
Am I adding anything or anything?
I'll add it. You haven't gotten to the point where I get to tell you anything. Wubble comes out!
I can't see it. Wubble! There he is. Wubble! Wubble! Wubble! I mean, he's on my wall, so I can see him, but
Yeah, there's various versions of Wubble.
Mine's the best, because he's under a sunflower.
What did you get for Wubble?
Uh, without me adding anything, an 8.
Okay, so Wubble will come after Seraphina in the order.
Which Wubble's dex? Because I was also an 8.
I got to add more to Wubble's thing. Um, back to the top of the Ulua. Sorry, I put in figures just so you would have some, like, Ideas, but, of where things were, but they're not real figures.
Oh, um, uh, Jason?
You need to roll a wisdom saving throw.
Oh, you moved into the apple pie.
I don't think that No. I have a fourteen. You find
your friend very early. You're so pretty. The
good news is I'll drop it.
Don't drop it. Let it change. Let it take the next form. Oh, you mean to roll again? Can
I do that? They're already your friends. Each turn you get to
re roll the one through four.
And you also can move it. A bit.
Okay, um, okay, alright, um, so yeah, I would like to I guess for my action, move the cube, like, up and over to where the other oohs are. Wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait, no. I'm just gonna drop it, because they don't, they're, it's all, they're all saving throws, so, um, and most of them are wisdom, so, um.
It's a concentration.
Yeah, but how long does it last?
Up to one minute.
So what if you moved it towards the other doors in this space so that you know that there's no further issues possibly coming through there, so you use it as crowd control for a future that you do not know the answer to?
Because I have other crowd control things I would like to cast?
you drop it. Atten Atten Atten
I know you like the, the spell Rick, if I have the opportunity again, he's trying, you get
to change the ridiculousness of it. I
know, I know. I knew you would like it. I just
one of my favorite new, newer spells to the DD universe.
Um, I think instead what I would like to cast, if possible, um, well, let's, I should have made, shouldn't have made the assumption that everybody is, um.
No, intelligent. Um, I guess, um, I would pick a concentrated point of where the oohs are and cast, um, Cloud of Daggers, um, at the second level, I think.
The ones that are suspended on the ceiling that aren't? currently engaging you all.
I don't want to hurt her.
I feel like you're gonna just say you're gonna have to find out but like if I cast it and she's encased in it is it hit her and not or does it hit the ooze and not her?
Okay so I think with maybe more details in the description this would be more clear to you. I'm not not 100 percent certain. The oozes that are currently attached to the ceiling are non reactive.
Yes I know yes I understand. I mean the one that's With
your knowledge of your magic you know that if you cast it Cloud attackers up at them, they would then activate do something. Yes. The one that's around her, if you started hurling Arcane daggers through the space that she's in. You know that they would still chip her, but it might actually provide her enough of a AC bonus to not be a problem.
And if you would like to try to calculate the magical issue and possibilities there, I will let you roll a Arcana check.
Okay, I will try.
Like, you are But normally all charisma and other things, but this might be your Brainiac moment where you're like, and this is not a question about like, whether or not this is going to be a yes or no. Like, yes, you feel confident. No, you don't feel confident.
It's a nine.
You don't feel confident.
Yeah. Um, fuck it.
I'm going to cast it anyways. Um, is it, okay, sorry, I'm, I'm asking semantics. Is it encasing her equally, or is it like, Mostly on her head and like, or is it kind of like she's fully submerged with all the layers? Mechanically,
she's, it doesn't, mechanically it doesn't matter. Okay.
Alright, then I'm just gonna For
artistry, we might choose to have different parts of her body revealed if we want to be goofy about it.
But it's, mechanically, it, there's no Okay. So I guess what I would
like to do is cast it so that, essentially, she and the ooze are at the, uh, front of the cube so that if it flees it would flee it continue it would either have to come towards us or go further into the cube does that make sense
yes you're trying to Position the cube such that
it's behind her, but she's at escape is either
pain, yeah.
Yeah. Okay. Okay. Uh, did you boop boop? No. And you're casting
this at the third level? Or second level? Third level, yeah. Third level, sorry. Third level?
Yeah. One, two. Okay. Three, four. Five, six.
Okay. Eleven. Fourteen. Eighteen. Twenty three. Twenty five points of damage.
Okay, what is your arcana
bonus? Spell attack or my save?
Spell attack.
My spell attack is plus six. Do
I have to roll? This is me doing other math based on the slime. Seraphina, what is your AC?
That just meets it, beats it, so in this case I feel like that's, okay, so you watch as the daggers slice through the ooze that covers Seraphina. And begins to rip it apart. As it is ripping it apart, you, um, see that, like, some of the daggers do nick Seraphina, but they seem to be very minor hits. Um, and as they kind of zip through, the ooze just falls apart.
It didn't have a lot of health, and The moment that it just falls apart as the dagger slides through, um, you can use your thing to move it, move the cloud further away if you would like to.
Yes, please. I would like to place it under where the concentration of oozes are, because it's just a five foot cube, so it shouldn't reach the ceiling, right?
Yeah, it doesn't reach the ceiling here. Okay. Yeah, you kind of like have it shove forward and it is going to be just for our purposes as we come out of combat. Unless you choose to fuck around with the oozes again. Nope. Um, uh, as we come out of combat, it is Aw, stop being selected. It is just over this pew here, and you can You can all hear it as it chips away at the Ding!
mortar of it. Of these, like, stone pews that are much different than the pews you've seen before.
Alright. We are out of combat initiative order. You're in, yikes don't show off all that stuff, you're in this space, um, and without going into too much depth, you do have sources of light around you so you can see, but it is very dark down here. There is a door closer to the front of the area near the altar.
There is another door just to your right and behind you. Getting through this space requires some deft maneuvers as you kind of have to like skirt the outskirts. That's to avoid being underneath any of the oozes. So just be aware of that. But otherwise the room is yours. Wait,
wait, I want to see the, the figures that you're using to represent us.
Uh, I just randomly chose them. Yeah. But, uh, No, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I,
I, I wanted to download your figures from HeroForge because they can be imported into here. But I didn't, um, have the time.
No, that's fine. This is great. Um, I would like to, uh, look, uh, at Seraphina, specifically. And go, uh, and just, it's one of her, and go.
Next time, take a breath, and cast Healing Word. And that's like the, that's what I say for Healing Word. Next time, take a breath! Uh
Um, so how much hit points does she regain? Probably not a ton.
Ooh, I did roll max, so seven.
Aw, Seraphina, you got seven hit points back. You can feel those burns from the acid just kind of like, scab over and flake a bit.
No, you're not bleeding, you're just scabby. I'm not touching or walking anywhere without being told to. Well, I'm not saying you need I need to tell you I don't want to!
Just, I walk over to her and I just kind of like, put her face in my hands and I go, Listen, it's okay. It's just, you both are being a little impulsive.
And we can't really
Well normally Rodax does everything and then I just kind of follow and do what he tells me to do.
Okay, so instead of doing what you normally do, do what he normally does. Does that make sense? Like when he goes into a room, does he just walk in? No.
No. Okay, so maybe from now on, anytime you are thinking about doing something, you could just, you know, remember, I don't know, WWRD, what would RODACS do?
you smell very good
You're you're not charmed anymore I dropped
it And
with this awkward series of trio flirting and residual aroma to pie The three adventurers have made their way into the dungeon, and that is where we're going to drop off for this session. Next session we'll pick up with the further adventures of the trio of
death seekers.
Maybe we should end with a short rest.
Y'all decide that after hours. We can plug that in later. But thank you for joining us. This has been super fun. Thank you for joining us on the first true dungeon crawl of Probability of Demise. See ya! Season two, campaign two, campaign two, and very much for joining us.
Bye. Bye.
Bye. Bye.
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